
GSI delivered the first 109,900 dwt tanker to CSET

On November 19th, Guangzhou Shipyard International, a subsidiary of China State Shipbuilding Corporation, held a delivery and christening ceremony for the first ship of the 109,900 dwt product/crude tanker built for COSCO SHIPPING Energy Transportation.
This type of ship is independently developed and designed by Guangzhou Shipyard International. It is the first ship of GSI to obtain i-ship (E) intelligent ship certification. It is equipped with the world's first Win G&D 6X62 main engine, which is internationally leading in terms of speed and low fuel consumption.
"YUAN LAN WAN" has a total length of 250 meters, a profile width of 44 meters, a profile depth of 21.5 meters and a design draft of 13.7 meters. It is a large-scale Aframax tanker independently developed and designed by Guangzhou Shipyard International.
The ship is also equipped with the world's first Win G&D 6x62 main engine, which can operate in two modes of Tier II and Tier III, and can flexibly meet the requirements of different sea areas. The ship is also equipped with energy-saving devices at the propeller to ensure that it can navigate at high speed under low power and low fuel consumption.

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