
Wuchang Shipbuilding won another order for 3 deck carriers

CSSC's Wuchang Shipbuilding Industry and Indonesia's PT Alur Biru Maritim recently signed a contract to build three 13,000 dwt deck ships via online video "Cloud".
Three new 13,000 dwt deck ships will be the main ship type built by Wuchang Shipbuilding Industry.
Previously, Wuchang Shipbuilding Industry has successfully built and delivered eight vessels of this type.
With the excellent performance index and quality of the ships in operation, Wuchang Shipbuilding Industry has won the owners' high praise and trust, and won "new orders" from "old customers".
This type of ship is the third-generation 13,000 dwt deck transport ship independently developed by Wuchang Shipbuilding Industry. It adopts the high-efficiency and energy-saving patented ship type. Its total length is about 130 meters, width of 26 meters and depth of 8 meters.
Compared with the first and second generation 13,000 dwt deck transport ships, the latest model has made significant improvements in safety, ease of passage for the crew, cargo inspection and monitoring, etc.

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