
Yangzijiang to build Project Forward LNG-fueled bulkers

Forward Maritime, an Arista Group company, has pinned Jiangsu Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Group for the construction of up to 20 LNG-fueled dry bulk carriers.
The two companies have signed a letter of intent for the construction of the vessels, with delivery expected between 2020 and 2023, that will operate under the Forward Ships brand.
The brand is a joint development project between, Arista Shipping, American Bureau of Shipping, Shell, Wärtsilä, GTT and Deltamarin.
First presented in 2015 by Arista Shipping, the project aims to boost the use of LNG as fuel. The company developed a feasible design of Kamsarmax size bulk carriers to be deployed post-IMO’s 2020 emission rules.
The main aspects of the design are the use of the membrane-type tank for the LNG containment designed by GTT, and the use of only two 4-stroke medium speed Wärtsilä 31DF engines. The project has been joined by Deltamarin, American classification society ABS and the Hague-based giant Shell that will assist in the global distribution of LNG.
Sources:LNG World News

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