- KR Hellas, a subsidiary of the Korean Register (KR) has been accredited as a quality management system (ISO 9001) certification body, by the Greek National Accreditation Body (ESYD). ISO 9001 is an international standard that stipulates thexinde marine news2021-12-15 09:12:59
- The tragic incidents in Tianjin and Beirut have marked a decade of increased concern over the safety of dangerous goods stored in ports, terminals and other warehousing facilities. Four industry groups have collaborated to address the issuexinde marine news2021-12-15 09:07:31
- Kiel, Germany. Sauer Compressors has announced a company acquisition. As of January 1, 2022, the manufacturer of high-pressure compressors based in Kiel, Germany, takes over all shares of its long-standing partner Pall Marc Group in Singapoxinde marine news2021-12-15 08:53:14
- With a continued steady increase of new boaters in the past year, the need for educational programs to keep everyone safe on the water has become a necessity. Boating classes and continued education are part of the MarineMax DNA. Theyve beexinde marine news2021-12-15 08:50:44
- Denmark-based Uni-Tankers has selected OneOceans Regs4ships regulatory database as the most effective means for ensuring continuous, fleet-wide compliance. Tanker operators need to understand and comply with a host of safety and environmentxinde marine news2021-12-15 08:36:47
- On December 10, 2021, the 32nd Assembly of IMO held a new council election in London, UK. China was once again elected as Member Council Category A, which is the 17th consecutive term since 1989, highlighting Chinas status and influence inxinde marine news Sarah Yu2021-12-14 16:55:45
- Leading international ship classification society Indian Register of Shipping (IRClass), has published Guidelines on Remotely Operated Vessels and Autonomous Surface Vessels. The focus of the high-level Guidelines is on providing a broad frxinde marine news2021-12-14 16:27:11
- SSY Futures Ltd reported that it has arranged the first competitively brokered trade in the new Metal Bulletin 65% Iron Ore Option contract. The trade was for settlement in February 2022. SSY Futures Ltd is well known for its core area of Fxinde marine news2021-12-14 08:46:24
- World Health Organisation Director-General Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus and ILO Director-General Guy Ryder have confirmed their organisations will form an Action Group as a matter of urgency with major transport bodies to ensure freedom of movemenxinde marine news2021-12-14 08:41:02
- In the face of increasing coronavirus infection rates, driven by the omikron mutation, Nor-Shipping has taken the decision to postpone its upcoming exhibition and event programme. The management team is currently working with stakeholders txinde marine news2021-12-14 08:35:23
- NAVTORs CEO has been given the title of Mr ECDIS in a new book charting both his life story and crucial role in the development of maritime e-Navigation. Written by author Tnnes H. Gundersen, the hardback is available in both Norwegian andxinde marine news2021-12-13 17:25:26
- On December 10, 2021, Chinas Shanghai MSA issued Qualification Certificate for Seafarer Recruitment and Placement Service to the newly registered V.Ships ShanghaiLimited in Lin-gang Special Area. The company is a wholly-owned enterprise ofxinde marine news Sarah Yu2021-12-13 17:16:22
- Correct use of hydrostatic release units This safety alert aims to raise awareness of correct use of hydrostatic release units, for both float-free life rafts and float-free EPIRBS. Hydrostatic release units The Hydrostatic Release Unit (HRxinde marine news2021-12-13 17:01:16
- Nor-Shipping 2022 has announced that four nominations have been shortlisted for the prestigious Young Entrepreneur Award, following in the footsteps of previous winners including Boyan Slat, founder of Ocean Cleanup, and the Brim Explorer mxinde marine news2021-12-13 16:50:50
- Many shipowners are making hay while the sun shines as high charter rates in some market segments have fuelled revenue - but they could reap trouble by delaying yard stays for ballast water treatment (BWT) system retrofits as the clock tickxinde marine news2021-12-13 16:42:51