- Ocean Network Express (ONE) announced the new West India North America (WIN) service which connects Indias west coast and the United States east coast to further enhance ONEs services in the India subcontinental market. India has been playiXinde Marine News2023-11-28 09:05:23
- [Photo:Zhongbai Jinglu ShipIndustry] On November 24, 2023, Penglai Zhongbai Jinglu ShipIndustry successfully held a delivery ceremony for the second 31,000DWT producttanker M/T AKKAD built for Norwegian Batservice. M/T AKKAD has a total lenXinde Marine News Sarah Yu2023-11-27 16:46:07
- SHANGHAI, Nov. 26 (Xinhua) -- Chinas export container shipping index increased in the week ending Nov. 24, according to the Shanghai Shipping Exchange. The Exchange added that the average China Containerized Freight Index (CCFI) rose 0.5 peXinhua2023-11-27 14:53:54
- Seawater-lubricated bearings pioneer Thordon Bearings has welcomed the publication of Gards latest research into the potential hidden costs of synthetic Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EALs). Far-reaching financial and environmentalXinde Marine News2023-11-27 14:28:00
- [Photo: MarineTraffic] Iran has supplied Shahed-136 kamikaze drones to Russia for use in Ukraine. They carry a small warhead that explodes on impact. The incident comes amid heightened maritime security tensions due to the Israel-Hamas warReuters2023-11-27 11:38:18
- A new simplified glossary that supports the industry to gain a better understanding of the terminologies and phraseologies used in life cycle assessments (LCA) and sustainability criteria relating to alternative marine fuels has been launchIMO2023-11-27 10:18:30
- TheBell Bay, a vessel loaded with 34,000 cubic meters of New Zealand logs, recently berthed successful at Lanshan Terminal of Rizhao Port, which is operated by Shandong Port Group. Later, the logs on board were unloaded at Rizhao Lin-gang ISPG2023-11-27 10:14:16
- English High Court decision on the incorporation of the York-Antwerp Rules could impact General Average claims There has been a long-held view that most iterations of the York Antwerp Rules are not amendments or modifications of previous veNorthStandard2023-11-27 10:10:04
- The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) unveiled Sea the Difference, a Maritime Singapore marketing campaign that celebrates opportunities and highlights the diversity of jobs in the maritime industry, including in digitalisationXinde Marine News2023-11-27 09:53:34
- Production Predicament As we edge closer to 2024, oil markets have increasingly begun to question what OPECs strategy for next year might look like. Under the current arrangement, production is due to rise by 2.375mbd in January if all prodXinde Marine News2023-11-27 09:00:00
- On November 22, CSSC Guangzhou Shipyard Internationalheld achristeningceremony for the 49,900dwt methanol dual-fuel chemical/producttankerNo. 5 and No. 6 built for Stena Proman, markingthe end of the first methanol dual-fuel tanker projectXinde Marine News Sarah Yu2023-11-24 16:19:13
- Date: 23 November 2023 Oasis Circular No.:2312 Subject: China MSA amended rules of intensified monitoring and inspection on the listed vessels China MSA published new rules of intensified monitoring and inspection on the listed vessels on 2Oasis2023-11-24 11:28:39
- Geopolitical tensions in the Red Sea have increased since the commencement of the Israel-Gaza conflict and this is particularly relevant for assets with links to Israel transiting the region. Following the recent attack on the vessel GALAXYGard2023-11-24 11:27:30
- Liu Chong (source China Shipping Development) Hong Kong-listed ship leasing firm COSCO Shipping Development, a subsidiary of China COSCO Shipping Corporation, has announced the resignation of its chairman Liu Chong amid other news that he hHong Kong Maritime Hub2023-11-24 10:13:39
- X-PRESS PISCES, a 7000TEU container vessel built by SWS, a subsidiary of CSSC, for X-PRESS FEEDERS GROUP, was successfully delivered on November 17th. Following the completion of its annual completion and delivery targets ahead of scheduleSWS2023-11-24 10:12:18