- Chinas Jiangnan Shipyard held a keel laying ceremony on Tuesday for the first of two Exmars very large gas carriers. Belgiums Exmar ordered the VLGC duo last year at the Chinese yard. Both of the vessels will go on charter to Norwegian enerLNG World News2020-07-02 10:16:27
- OOCL proudly received the Fuel Efficiency Award at the Seatrade Maritime Awards Asia 2020 for its achievement in fuel savings and efficiency improvements. This annual industry event pays tribute to companies with remarkable achievements inOOCL2020-07-02 10:15:18
- An international summit called to address the crew change crisis brought about by coronavirus pandemic lockdowns will be held in London on July 9. The meeting is led by the UK Government and aims to involve political and business leaders frhongkongmaritimehub2020-07-02 10:14:04
- The annual import quota for seaborne coking coal at Chinas major coking coal port, Jingtang has been nearly exhausted and the authorities are temporarily halting customs declarations, sources told SP Global Platts July 1. This may have an iPlatts2020-07-02 10:12:56
- Oil product tankers earnings have skyrocketed in the first half of 2020, while the sale and purchase (SP) activity of the oil product tanker market has slowed to the lowest level since 2016. Data from VesselsValue highlight that in the firsMarine Link2020-07-02 10:11:38
- While the COVID-19 pandemic has been the primary global issue of the year, decarbonisation continues to be a high priority on Maritime Singapores agenda. Maritime Singapore is committed to sustainable international shipping as guided by thexinde marine news2020-07-02 09:06:00
- BP announced that Mr. Yang Shixu will become President of BP China today, July 1, 2020, and Senior Vice President of regional affairs and urban low-carbon solutions for BP Group. Mr. Yang has been working in BP for more than 20 years. He woxinde marine news Sarah Yu2020-07-01 16:45:57
- Danish owner Norden has just signed a contract with Nantong Cosco KHI Ship Engineering to build four ultramax bulk carriers. Jan Rindbo, Nordens chief executive, said the order was in line with the companys flexible asset trading strategy axinde marine news Sarah Yu2020-07-01 16:44:34
- 1.Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding has signed contract to construct three liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers worth 3.9 billion yuan ($551.62 million). 2.North Chinas Tianjin port ranked first in liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports among Chinaxinde marine news2020-07-01 16:38:19
- China COSCO Shipping on Tuesday said it has placed an order for three liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers at Hudong Zhonghua Shipbuilding. The vessels will be capable of transporting 174,000 cubic meters of LNG, each, China COSCO ShippingLNG World News2020-07-01 10:31:35
- North Chinas Tianjin port ranked first in liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports among Chinas LNG import ports in the first five months of this year, accounting for about 19.5% of the countrys total LNG imports, according to the Tianjin Customsxcoal2020-07-01 10:30:26
- As an international maritime centre, Hong Kong is always mindful of the need to support the global and local shipping community. Specifically, we recognise the significance of cargo operation, and had exempted crew members of goods vesselshongkongmaritimehub2020-07-01 10:28:52
- Iron ore prices are expected to soften from current high levels in the July-September quarter, though Chinese steel margins will remain healthy, driven by demand from infrastructure and property construction, according to the latest SP GlobPlatts2020-07-01 10:27:13
- On June 19, 2020, the long-awaited Inland Revenue (Amendment) (Ship Leasing Tax Concessions) Ordinance 2020 (the Ordinance), which introduces concessionary tax regimes for qualifying ship lessors and ship leasing managers, finally came intoReedSmith2020-07-01 10:01:07
- STL had to take over six VLECs last year after US shipowners broke contracts. STL announced that it intends to negotiate the chartering contract and transfer of six 98000 cubic metre very large ethane carriers (VLECs) with prospective shipoxinde marine news Sarah Yu2020-06-30 16:29:43