- On July 15, 2020, STL signed the ship transfer agreement with MISC BERHAD, and the company signed the ship chartering contract with Portovenere and Lerici (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.,a wholly-owned subsidiary of MISC. The companys subsidiaries Paxinde marine news Sarah Yu2020-07-16 16:32:21
- In the first half of this year, CSSC Investment, a subsidiary of China State Shipbuilding Corp., made a total profit of 883 million yuan, 57% of its annual target. In the second half of the year, the Party Committee of the investment companxinde marine news Sarah Yu2020-07-16 16:29:51
- Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM), has launched a new Liquid Cargo training facility at its Maritime Training Centre in Cyprus. This, combined with a structured career progression model, will ensure BSMs LNG crews are highly trained andxinde marine news2020-07-16 16:25:04
- 1.Chinas second -- and the first domestically built -- research icebreaker, Xuelong 2, set sail on Wednesday from its homeport in Shanghai for its first Arctic expedition. 2.Chinese domestic tanker shipping operator Nanjing Shenghang Shippixinde marine news2020-07-16 16:19:57
- The global summit hosted by the UK Government on 9 July 2020 on the impact of COVID-19 on crew changes was attended by just fifteen countries. Thirteen pledged to take action to help cut through bureaucratic red tape preventing crew changesBIMCO2020-07-16 13:37:09
- Chinas second -- and the first domestically built -- research icebreaker, Xuelong 2, or Snow Dragon 2, set sail on Wednesday from its homeport in Shanghai for its first Arctic expedition. The mission is also the new icebreakers second polarChinadaily2020-07-16 11:03:39
- Coal handling at Zhoushan port in eastern Chinas Zhejiang province climbed 21.05% year on year to 2.66 million tonnes in June, China News Service reported. The port handled a total 13.92 million tonnes of coal over January-June, rising 12%sxcoal2020-07-16 11:02:25
- Chinas steel production dipped in early July, but still stayed near record highs. The China Iron and Steel Association (CISA) reported Tuesday that crude steel output across major mills in China averaged 2.13 million mt per day in the firstSMM2020-07-16 11:00:59
- Chinas Maritime Safety Administration on Wednesday signed a deal with the countrys state-owned shipbuilder to cooperate in sectors of smart ships and maritime environmental protection. The administration will work with the China State Shipbxinhua2020-07-16 10:59:35
- Chinas crude oil demand will surge next year, as the nations economic activity recovers strongly following the COVID-19 outbreak, according to the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. Despite a contraction of 6.8 percent year-Chinadaily2020-07-16 10:57:45
- Tight supply in the Black Sea feed wheat market has fuelled rumours that traders are struggling to cover cargo volumes and are looking to buy their way out of their contractual export obligations amid a lack of physical offers, market sourcxinde marine news2020-07-16 09:10:19
- The COVID-19 pandemic affects the industrys endeavours to implement the upcoming European Unions Ship Recycling Regulations (EUSRR) and many shipowners may not be able to finalize the required Inventory of hazardous materials (IHM) prior toBIMCO2020-07-16 09:08:54
- Several South Korean ports will have designated national sulphur emission control areas from midnight 1 September 2020. The Republic of Korea (South Korea) is the latest country to announce the designation of national sulphur emission contrBIMCO2020-07-16 09:07:12
- China issued the notice on further improving the work of the 400,000 ton iron ore terminals. The notice points out that Landbridge port ore berth can accommodate 400,000 tons of iron ore vessels without the need for separate approval procedxinde marine news Sarah Yu2020-07-15 16:35:50
- CSSC Chengxi will build two LNG - powered MR product tankers for Frances Louis Dreyfus, with a total value of about $86 million. CSSC Leasing placed an order to build two 50,000DWT dual-fuel MR product tankers in CSSC Chengxi, each with a cxinde marine news Sarah Yu2020-07-15 16:32:01