- The new report from Sea-Intelligence showing the performance for October shows a new record-low as global schedule reliability reach 52.4%. The drop in performance is widespread as sharp declines on a year-on-year basis is seen for all 32 txinde marine news2020-11-27 16:06:34
- Jinling Shipyard renovation project is a major investment project of Binjiang industrial transformation and upgrading in Nanjing, with an investment of 10 billion yuan. China Merchants Jinling Shipyard, which has stood on the Yangtze riverxinde marine news Sarah Yu2020-11-27 15:20:35
- Chinas Shanghai International Energy Exchange (INE) said on Thursday it had signed an agreement with PetroChina International Co Ltd to cooperate on the overseas delivery for its low-sulphur fuel oil futures contract ILUF1. Both parties havReuters2020-11-27 11:31:07
- China, with its rising refining industry, has driven global oil demand as the COVID-19 pandemic slashed it, and is emerging in the global refining industry shift, according to the International Energy Agency. Bloomberg quoted the agency asChinadaily2020-11-27 11:30:09
- China will buy $1.467 billion worth of thermal coal from Indonesia in 2021, according to a trade deal signed between the Indonesian Coal Mining Association (APBI) and China Coal Transport and Distribution Association on November 25. The deasxoal2020-11-27 11:28:36
- CNOOC: Dongfang 13-2 to meet energy demands of 1m people for 15 years The Dongfang 13-2 gas fields project, Chinas largest offshore high-temperature and high-pressure gas fields project, has been put into operation, its operator China NatioChinadaily2020-11-27 11:27:05
- Williams Advanced Engineering and OXIS Energy collaborate to advance cleaner transport in the marineWilliams Advanced Engineering (WAE) is working with fellow Oxfordshire-based firm, OXIS Energy Ltd, on the production of a world-first battery system, designed for an all-new 40ft electric luxury boat. The craft, from Yachts de Luxe (YdL) oxinde marine news2020-11-27 09:14:52
- Newbuilding orderbooks have dipped to historically low levels relative to existing fleets, with the dry bulk carrier sector one of the most extreme examples. The current bulker orderbook of 56.1 Mdwt represents just 6.3% of the existing capxinde marine news2020-11-27 09:09:21
- The leaders of the major shipping bodies met virtually to discuss the most pressing issues facing the industry as we move into 2021. The Round Table chairs reiterated the that the industry is fully committed to finding solutions to the crewxinde marine news2020-11-26 17:22:18
- On November 25, China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings and Viking Cruises announced formally signed a joint venture agreement, the two sides will work together to create a medium-sized luxury cruise tourism product featuring Chinesxinde marine news Sarah Yu2020-11-26 17:06:04
- Norwegian supplier Aibel is set to supply high-voltage transformer platforms for the North Sea mega-project as it muscles up in offshore wind, while sector newcomer OHT Alfa Lift AS will deliver freight and installation services using its pxinde marine news2020-11-26 17:04:59
- ZIM and Anhui Provincial Port Shipping Group reached a strategic cooperation in Shanghai. The signing of this agreement is aimed at carrying out in-depth cooperation in the fields of port coverage, feeder transportation and whole-process loxinde marine news Sarah Yu2020-11-26 14:59:06
- China on Wednesday said imported coal had failed to meet local environmental standards, responding to reports of dozens of shipments of Australian coal that are currently stalled in Chinese ports. In recent years Chinese customs have conducxinde marine news2020-11-26 11:45:20
- The 75th session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 75), which took place online from 16 to 20 November 2020, continued the deliberations on reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from shipping, but also adopted amendxinde marine news2020-11-26 09:48:37
- The 2018 amendments to the MLC, 2006 will bring about a change to a seafarers employment agreement (SEA)where it shall continue to have effect and wages shall continue to be paid while a seafarer is held captive on or off the ship as a resuxinde marine news2020-11-26 09:20:47