- Europes biggest shipowner body is throwing its weight behind a controversial proposed amendment to the EUs Waste Shipment Regulation that would effectively make it possible to recycle EU-flagged ships at non-OECD shipbreaking facilities inXinde Marine News2022-03-16 08:31:25
- Marlink, the smart network company, is partnering with MSC, the worlds largest container shipping line, to support the shipping companys ambitious digitalisation goals, using Marlinks hybrid network solutions and advanced, secure IT managemXinde Marine News2022-03-16 08:29:23
- Alfa Laval PureSOx scrubbers employ efficient water cleaning on the world's largest container vesselOn 28 July 2021, the worlds largest container vessel set sail from Samsung Heavy Industries. Owned by Evergreen Marine Corporation, Ever Ace has two Alfa Laval PureSOx scrubbers with a shared water cleaning system (WCS). This consolidated sXinde Marine News2022-03-15 17:33:24
- The World Shipping Council (WSC) together with prominent maritime nations and organisations representing all shipping sectors continue to work for the early adoption of an industry financed and IMO led research and development fund as a criXinde Marine News2022-03-15 17:19:58
- Nor-Shipping 2022 has confirmed that it will close sales for exhibition stands on 18 March, with just a handful of spots left within its 22,000 sq. m facilities in Lillestrm. Your Arena for Ocean Solutions, taking place 4-7 April, is set toXinde Marine News2022-03-15 16:24:14
- ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd . announced the launch ofZIM Ecommerce Baltimore Express (ZXB), a new and speedy e-commerce service, in March 2022. ZXB will operate on the following route: Yantian Cai Mep - Baltimore New York Boston YaZIM2022-03-15 15:41:37
- CNC announced the launch of a new Japan China Vietnam (JCV) service. CNC is the Intra-Asia short sea specialist of the CMA CGM Group, a world leader in shipping and logistics. The weekly JCV service will add a direct connection from Japan tXinde Marine News2022-03-15 15:09:58
- On March 15, the worlds largest LNG bunkering ship AVENIR ALLEGIANCE successfully refueled about 7,000 m3 LNG for the large container ship CMA CGM SYMI stopped at Yangshan deep-water port under the remote monitoring of Shanghai MSA and theXinde Marine News Sarah Yu2022-03-15 13:55:06
- On March 2, loaded with 905 TEUs, the vessel Gold Star BRIGHT departed from COSCO SHIPPING Ports Dalian Container Terminal to Australia, a member country of RCEP, marking the launch of the first container shipping service route by Dalian CoCOSCO SHIPPING2022-03-15 10:02:30
- The annual turnover of Greeces Piraeus Port Authority S.A. (PPA S.A.) in 2021 was 154.2 million euros (168.9 million U.S. dollars), 16 percent more than in 2020, the company said on Monday. Profits before taxes amounted to 49.2 million euroXinhua2022-03-15 09:55:14
- Chinas index of export container transport edged down in February, according to the Shanghai Shipping Exchange. The average China Containerized Freight Index (CCFI) went down 0.2 percent to 3,504.56 in the period, said the exchange. The subChinadaily2022-03-15 09:40:39
- Maritime transportation is one of the most important nodes in international trade because of its significant effect on the overall performance of global supply chains. The plethora of shipping traffic and maritime trade, on the other hand,New Straits Times2022-03-15 09:37:28
- On January 28th, 2022, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and theGeneral Customs jointly published a document namedThe Announcement on Effectively Implementing Remote Prevention and Control Measures of the COVID-19Huatai2022-03-15 09:18:27
- After careful consideration of the situation in the Ukraine and the Black Sea as well as the applicable sanctions, ABS has taken the decision to withdraw all Class services involving Russian vessels, assets and companies. The decision folloXinde Marine News2022-03-15 08:54:26
- Japan Approves Iridium Partner Cobham SATCOM's Iridium Certus® SAILOR 4300 Terminal for Japanese FlaIridium Communications Inc . (Nasdaq: IRDM) partner Cobham SATCOM , a market-leading provider of radio and satellite communications solutions, has received regulatory approval from Japans Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MICXinde Marine News2022-03-15 08:46:55