- A higher profile for shipping can reap long-term rewards and build a diverse, talented industry says BIMCO President Sabrina Chao. With half her term as BIMCO President under her belt, Sabrina Chao is charged with enthusiasm for her role. ABIMCO2022-07-12 09:14:54
- As a way of tackling global climate change, the CO2 Capture, Transport, and Burial method has attracted attention as an intermediate step to achieving carbon neutrality. This has led to increased demand for technology for LCO2 carriers whicXinde Marine News2022-07-12 08:58:09
- Van Ameyde Marine, the Netherlands-headquartered marine surveying, consultancy, and loss prevention group, is expanding its operations in Singapore to meet growing demand for a range of insurance-related services across the Asia Pacific regXinde Marine News2022-07-12 08:55:30
- 11 July 2022, London/Abuja - The Government of Nigeria and a coalition of global shipping stakeholders have launched a new strategy to end piracy, armed robbery, and kidnapping in the Gulf of Guinea (GoG). The strategy establishes a mechaniXinde Marine News2022-07-12 08:50:04
- Indian Register of Shipping (IRS) and Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Ltd. (GRSE) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Kolkata on 7 July 2022. As per the MOU, IRS will provide a comprehensive range of services to GRSE Ltd cXinde Marine News2022-07-11 17:27:02
- After seven years, the largest and most complex bankruptcy liquidation case inChinas shipbuilding industry has finally made critical progress. So far, STX(Dalian), the largest foreign-funded shipbuilding enterprise in China, has finally welXinde Marine News Sarah Yu2022-07-11 16:11:33
- Saronic Ferries has today announced their partnership with C-Job Naval Architects. For the Greek owner, C-Job will develop the design of the first fully-electric Ro-Pax ferry in Greece. Saronic Ferries, the largest ferry operator for the SaXinde Marine News2022-07-11 15:45:16
- On July 8, TS XIAMEN, a 1,900TEU series 2# ship built by CSSC HuangpuWenchong Shipbuilding was delivered. TS XIAMEN is a BangkokMax container ship. It has a total length of 172 meters, a width of 27.5 meters, and a type-depth of 14.6 metersXinde Marine News2022-07-11 15:16:58
- This ambitious plan will make Port 2000 a major hub for the Northern European range, with the creation of over 1,000 jobs. TerminalInvestmentLimited(TiL),whichisnowthesoleshareholderof the TPO/TNMSCcontainerterminalsat LeHavre,has announcedXinde Marine News2022-07-11 15:13:25
- It was learned on July 9 that in June this year, the container throughput of Yangpu Port reached 152,300 TEU, exceeding 150,000 TEU for the first time in a single month, with a year-on-year increase of 33.58% and a record high. Driven by stXinde Marine News2022-07-11 13:32:38
- On July 8th, China first professional hydrographic survey ship Haixun 08 with deep-sea measurement capabilities was launched at Jiangnan Shipbuilding, a subsidiary of CSSC.After the ship is completed, it will be a new generation of large-scXinde Marine News2022-07-11 13:26:55
- Today is the 17th Maritime DayofChinaand the implementation day of World Maritime Day in China. China is a major maritime country. Shipping accounts for about 95% of Chinas international trade cargo transportation, and plays an important roXinde Marine News Sarah Yu2022-07-11 13:13:10
- Singapore secured its lead as the worlds top maritime centre in the Xinhua- Baltic International Shipping Centre Development (ISCD) Index. This is the ninth consecutive year that Singapore is ranked first on the index. The ISCD index is pubXinde Marine News2022-07-11 10:32:00
- At the end of their useful life, ships are recycled for the valuable steel and other materials that can be re-used. End of life ships also contain hazardous substances, like asbestos, heavy metals, oil sludge and other pollutants that if miGard2022-07-11 09:50:58
- Elon Musks SpaceX company has rolled out its Starlink satellite connectivity service to the maritime sector after receiving authorisation from the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) . The satellite-delivered broadband service promisPort Technology2022-07-11 09:48:00