- 27October 2022 London, United Kingdom.WISTA International (Womens International Shipping and Trading Association) elected their new President, Elpi Petraki, from WISTA Hellas,, at its Annual General Meeting yesterday evening, on 26 October,Xinde Marine News2022-10-28 08:42:00
- OnOctober 25, NanjingTankerCorporationreleased the performance report for the third quarter of 2022, saying that the company achieved an operating income of 1.838 billion yuan in the third quarter, a year-on-year increase of 98.23%, mainlyXinde Marine News Sarah Yu2022-10-27 16:36:23
- On October 26, Zhonggu Logistics issued an announcement on the appointment of the companys senior managers. The announcement pointed out that due to the strategic development needs of Zhonggu Logistics, Mr. Li Yonghua is planned to be appoiXinde Marine News Sarah Yu2022-10-27 16:36:01
- BIMCO has published a revised and updated version GENCON 2022 - one of its flagship contracts within its portfolio of standard contracts for the maritime industry. The revisions reflect significant changes in the regulatory landscape sinceBIMCO2022-10-27 16:16:54
- According toMinistry of Industry and Information Technology, the market share ofChinas shipbuilding industry in the first three quarters of 2022continued to lead the world, and the industrys revenue and profitsachieveddouble growth. From JaXinde Marine News Sarah Yu2022-10-27 15:42:53
- The CMA CGM Group, a global player in sea, land and air logistics solutions, and the Yokohama Kawasaki International Port Corporation (YKIP) have signed a Reservation Agreement for the Honmokufuto D5 container terminal in Port of Yokohama oXinde Marine News2022-10-27 13:30:14
- SAN RAMON, Calif., Oct. 25, 2022 Chevron Corporation (NYSE: CVX) today published a methane report that builds on Chevrons ongoing efforts to promote transparency on climate-related matters. This report details information on Chevrons approaChevron2022-10-27 11:52:14
- Cooperation between China and Germany is mutually beneficial, Chinas Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday in response to a potential deal between Chinas shipping giant Cosco and Hamburg port in Germany. It is hoped that relevant parties willGlobal Times2022-10-27 11:42:11
- On October 1, PPA released its half-year results announcement on the Athens Exchange in Greece, achieving an operating revenue of 93.1 million Euros, profit before tax of 33.2 million Euros and net profit of 25.9 million Euros, up 29%, 59%COSCO SHIPPING2022-10-27 11:39:11
- The annual AFLAS award recognizes leading global supply chain service providers for their excellent performance in leadership, service quality, innovation, customer relationship management and reliability. After nominations were made basedCOSCO SHIPPING2022-10-27 11:01:01
- WinGDs latest generation of X72DF-2.1 engines will power 25 vessels as part of the QatarEnergys North Field East (NFE) project, the biggest LNG carrier newbuilding project in history. The 50 dual-fuel engines which feature the new on-engineXinde Marine News2022-10-27 09:55:39
- 26 October 2022 London, United Kingdom.Women in maritime are encouraged to inspire, educate and engage audiences by registering as speakers on the new Maritime Speakers Bureau platform, launched by the International Maritime Organization (IXinde Marine News2022-10-27 09:36:40
- 26October 2022 London, United Kingdom.WISTA International held the Annual General Meeting (AGM), which took place on 26 October in Geneva, Switzerland, and it announced its Corporate Diversity Award winner, which this year is the Grieg MariXinde Marine News2022-10-27 09:16:00
- Oslo and Paris, 26 October 2022.Marlink, the smart network solutions company, has signed a new agreement with Odfjell Management AS, providing seamless access to global enterprise and crew applications across 52 vessels. The contract includXinde Marine News2022-10-27 09:06:00
- Piraeus, Greece, October26, 2022. Capital Ship Management Corp. took successful delivery recently of the newbuilding vessel M/T Alterego, a 300,000 dwt, eco-type crude oil, scrubber fitted VLCC tanker, built by Hyundai Samho Heavy IndustrieXinde Marine News2022-10-27 08:50:10