- Smaller islands on the radar of the major luxury cruise companies as trend for unique experiences inLuxury cruise companies are turning their attention to smaller, off-the-beaten-path destinations, according to discussions at the 7th Posidonia Sea Tourism Forum, held in Thessaloniki, Greece. While mainstream ports of call will always haveXinde Marine News2023-04-27 09:23:08
- Singapore, 26 April 2023- RINA has issued an Approval-in-Principle (AiP) for the design of a 21,000 (cbm) ammonia bunker tanker jointly developed by SeaTech Solutions and Fratelli Cosulich Bunkers Singapore. Low or zero-carbon ammonia has tXinde Marine News2023-04-27 09:21:04
- Singapore, 26 April 2023 At Singapore Maritime Week, SGTraDex announced upcoming launch of their Ship Supplies and Lighterage Optimisation Use Case due early May, while also revealing the commencement of a new Use Case, Efficiency OptimisatXinde Marine News2023-04-27 08:37:17
- [Photo: Boskails] Boskalis through its subsidiary SMIT Salvage has reached an agreement with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for the oil removal from the FSO Safer moored off Yemens Red Sea coast. This project is a part of tBoskalis2023-04-26 17:00:42
- Indonesian seaborne coal exports are expected to surpass 170 million tonnes by the end of April, up 32% on the same period last year. The rise is partly due to improved economic conditions in China and an increase in energy demand as a resuXinde Marine News2023-04-26 16:59:16
- 【Photo: United Nations】 Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 20 April 2023 In the latest critical step towards preventing a massive oil spill off Yemens Red Sea coast, the global leading maritime services company Boskaliss support vessel NdeavorUnited Nations2023-04-26 16:34:44
- Orient Overseas (International) Limited announced the publication of its Sustainability Report 2022. The launch of OOILs 12th annual Sustainability Report demonstrates the Groups long-term commitment to corporate sustainability, and to tranOOIL2023-04-26 16:28:02
- The 13th biennial International Chemical and Oil Pollution Conference and Exhibition (ICOPCE) was held on 26 Apr 2023 at the Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Centre in conjunction with the Singapore Maritime Week. Organised by the MaritXinde Marine News2023-04-26 13:38:00
- The European Parliament formally approved the new EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) law, earmarking around EUR 2 billion of the revenues of the Innovation Fund for the maritime sector. European Community Shipowners Association (ECSA) welcomBreakwave Advisors2023-04-26 11:49:28
- Seacon ShippingGroupordered two 42,200 dwt bulk carriers at Tsuneishi Shipbuilding. On April 25, Seacon Shippingissued an announcement thatSeacon Shipping Pte. Ltd entered into two shipbuilding contracts with the seller Tsuneishi ShipbuildiXinde Marine News Sarah Yu2023-04-26 11:35:34
- Crew members take pictures together before the unveiling of gas carrier Harzand at Jiangnan Shipyard in Shanghai on Tuesday.GAO ERQIANG/CHINA DAILY The worlds biggest Very Large Gas Carrier was unveiled on Tuesday in Shanghai, a day ahead oChina Daily2023-04-26 10:32:12
- IMO is urging Member States to contribute equipment to help UN-led efforts to prevent a possible catastrophic oil spill from theFSO SAFER,an ageing and rapidly decaying floating storage offshore (FSO) unit moored 4.8 nautical miles off theIMO2023-04-26 10:26:55
- Global cruise industry leaders discuss growth, sustainability, and recovery in the Eastern Mediterranean region Over 400 delegates from the global cruise industry gathered at Thessalonikis iconic Makedonia Palace hotel for the 7th PosidoniaXinde Marine News2023-04-26 08:57:37
- TheMaritimeandPortAuthorityofSingapore(MPA)continuestotransformthefuture of the maritime sector through collaboration with research institutes and industry on digitalisation and cybersecurity to strengthen global maritime supplychains. GlobXinde Marine News2023-04-25 16:48:44
- On April 24, CSSC Huangpu WenchongShipbuilding heldthe christening and delivery ceremony for the ship SEACON HAMBURG, which was aNewPanamax85,000dwt bulk carrierbuilt for Seacon Shipping Group Holdings. SEACON HAMBURGhas a total length of 2Xinde Marine News Sarah Yu2023-04-25 16:26:00