  • Morning quotations of traders held steady today. Product prices climb up slightly after the noon under growing futures prices. Some large traders have obvious desire to deliver cargos and steel mill are willing to make purchases. Overall mar
    xinde marine news2018-03-15 15:42:44
  • Morning offers of traders dropped slightly by RMB5-10/tonne today. Some large-sized traders see obvious desire to deliver cargos and opined that market prices are likely to fall further. Following market trend is not clear under largely fluc
    xinde marine news2018-03-14 14:27:00
  • Morning offers of traders climbed down by RMB10-15/tonne today. Some large traders have obvious desire to deliver cargos under sluggish spot market sentiment. Steel mills are very active to make enquiries, while their purchases remain at a n
    xinde marine news2018-03-13 16:12:41
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