RISQ is the standard in place for RightShip inspections. With revisions available in RISQ 2.0 coming into effect from 30 September. RISQ brings a major change to the method and depth of inspection and clearance process at the individual stake holder. These changes will impact the vessel Operators, the crews onboard, the Inspectors and the Charterers participating in the programme. The Singapore Nautical Institute is holding a webinar for its members and for the maritime fraternity, to increase awareness and to share the management of change for RISQ taking place at different stakeholders.
When: Sep 7th, 2022 @ 0800 hrs GMT
Participants MUST Register in advance for this webinar:
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Speakers and Panelists:

Hayden Latchford- Rightship - Operations Manager Australasia. Holds a Bachelors degree in Maritime Management and Logistics. Previously served as Superintendent in BP. Hayden and Ali. H Darani jointly examine candidates' written and oral examinations during the inspector's accreditation procedure.

Tony Honeyborne – Rightship - Inspections Manager – Master Mariner with 48 years’ in Maritime Industries. Sailed with Cunard Shipping Services serving on Bulk Carriers, Oil Tankers, Containers, Ro Ro, Refrigerated, General Break Bulk and passenger vessels. Marine surveyor. Caleb Brett (Australia) Pty Ltd Melbourne. Manager Port Operations with Port of Melbourne Authority. A short stint as a Surveyor with Australia Maritime Safety Authority, and 1over a decade as Operations Manger with Norwegian/Danish Bulk vessel operators. Last 13 years with Rightship as Vetting and Inspections Superintendent and currently as Inspections Manager . Moderator: Vice President of the Singapore Nautical Institute. 43 years with the maritime industry. Previously Managing Director within the Pacific Basin Group a major dry bulk operator. Capt. Danish Sultan heads PacMarine Services. PacMarine assists RIGHTSHIP in conducting RISQ inspections.

Ali. H. Darani – Rightship – Vetting and Dry Cargo Inspections Superintendent. Holds Master Degree, specialising in Maritime Safety from the University of Tasmania. Over 5 years as Marine Superintendent with a tanker company, Over 7 years with Intertek as Marine Manager, Surveyor and SIRE inspector. Ali retains ownership of the RISQ document as the subject matter expert and the document's architect, researcher and producer.

Captain Panagiotis Nikiteas – Maran Dry Management – HSQE Manager / DPA / CSO - 34 years’ with the maritime industry including management, marine, vetting, operations, crewing, safety, quality, environmental, energy, security, health, auditing, surveying, incident investigation and training. Worked with a major Classification Society and owners/managers in Manila, Dubai and Singapore. Holds a Master’s in Adult Education, Master’s in International Shipping with distinction, Post Graduate Diploma in International Shipping and Transport Management and is a graduate from Hydra Merchant Marine Academy with distinction.

Madhu Thottankara, Rio Tinto, Principal Advisor Vetting. A Bachelor in Physics and Master Mariner over 33 years in Maritime Industry. Worked as Operations, QHSE Superintendent, ISM Auditor with Anglo Eastern and career at sea spanning 23 years with a range of vessel types such as oil tankers, bulk carriers, container vessel, etc. Currently serving as Vetting Manager with Rio Tinto and supports the screening process of the vessels in Rio Tinto trade, engaging with stake holders to align the values of Rio Tinto for enhancing safety.

Moderator: Vice President of the Singapore Nautical Institute. 43 years with the maritime industry. Previously Managing Director within the Pacific Basin Group a major dry bulk operator.Capt.Danish Sultan heads PacMarine Services. PacMarine assists RIGHTSHIP in conducting RIsQinspections.
SNI Organising Committee
Capt. Roopak Puri
Capt. Hemant Berry
& Capt. Danish Sultan
The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Xinde Marine News.
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