案例分享 -- 期租中因为发现船舶交付前的货物残留物导致验舱不过【诺亚专栏】
9月15日,当船舶在Delaware Bay下引水时,根据目前的租约交船。租船人的指示船舶到New Orleans装谷物。船长和船员随后采取措施清理货舱,为装载货物做好准备。经过大约5天的清理,该船于9月20日2112LT到达South-West Pass。该船接受了美国国家货运局(“NCB”)和美国农业部(“USDA”)的验船师的验舱。两方在第一次检验中都认为该船适合装载谷物,随后进行了装货,并在中国宁波顺利卸货无索赔。之后,租船人指示船舶驶向西澳大利亚Kwinana装载散装氧化铝到美国西海岸卸货。
租船人主张该船舶在Kwinana和Portland的洗舱作业期间停租,要不然那就是船东在船舶交付时/抵达第一个装港New Orleans时船舶状况不满足约定构成违约。因此,他们扣留了相关期间的租金以及在Kwinana的洗舱费用和航速索赔的一些费用。船东表示,扣租是不合理的,他们提起仲裁程序,要求赔偿267256.45美元,外加利息和费用。
图片来源于网络 仅作美化 与本文无关
Clause 15 Line 41/42:
"Vessel on her delivery shall have ... holds to be clean, swept, dry,free of any previous cargo residue and/or loose rust ... loose rust scales or any other foreign materials to the satisfaction of a mutually agreed independent surveyor and tight, staunch, strong and in every way fitted for the intended cargo of, [sic] ...”
Clause 71:
"Shore regulations permitting and subject to crew availability, vessel's crew to clean, sweep or wash down all the vessel's holds when required by Charterers during bonus ... in accordance with the following schedule: navigation to loading port, for which Charterers will pay Owners a lumpsum cleaning.
The above to be considered customary service which is to be rendered provided port regulations permit and availability of crew, otherwise shore hands to be employed for Charterers'account. However, the Owners will not be responsible for vessel's passing cargo hold inspection in all respects, and any delay due to vessel's not passing cargo hold inspection shall not be considered as off-hire ... ”
Clause 90:
"Vessel's holds on delivery or arrival at lst load port are to be completely clean, swept, washed down by fresh water and dried up, free of salt, loose rust scale and previous cargo residues and fully ready to receive Charterers’ intended cargo in all respects and to the satisfaction of independent surveyor."
1. 虽然根据交船检验的报告可以知道船舶在Camden交付时货舱确实是不满足要求的,违反了Clause 15,但是船舶在到达第一卸港前完成了货舱清理工作,并通过验舱。结合Clause 90条,显而意见的是交船时的货舱状况并没有重要意义,因为船舶被要求装货时完全符合约定条件。”...It was equally obvious that the condition of the holds on delivery had no significance load port whatsoever because, by the time the ship was presented for loading, she was in the condition required...”
2. 租船人没有提出任何反对意见的接受了船舶交付并支付了租金,尽管通过交船检验可以充分认识到货舱没有达到Clause 15的要求,”...the charterers accepted delivery and paid hire without objection, whilst being fully cognisant-by virtue of the on-hire survey at the very least - of the fact that lines 41/42 were not complied with...”。
3. 仲裁员认为NCB和USDA两个以检验苛刻出名的相互独立的部门都通过了该船的验舱,且后续在卸货后并未接到任何索赔,转租交船检验时也并未提出异议,那足以说明Clause 90得到了满足。显然在Kwinana并没有以前的水泥残留物、锈垢和铜精矿残留物,如果一定说有污渍的话,那可能是货舱顶部坚硬的铁锈皮。很明显,出于托运人自己最清楚的原因,当地检验师要求在装货前清除坚硬(即不松散)的铁锈皮。
4. 类似的考虑也适用在Portland的纠纷,都应依据Clause71来处理此纠纷, “...That was something to be dealt with under clause 71 - and was thus for the charterers’ account in any event...”。Clause 15来自NYPE的格式条款并未给与租船人任何救济,不仅仅是因为租船人没有时间损失,还因为本纠纷并未包含在在格式条款约束的范围,”...Standard clause 15 of the NYPE form gave the charterers no comfort, not only because there was no loss of time, but also because the charterers could not bring themselves within the wording of the clause. There was no cause amongst those listed that could be said to be applicable on the facts of the case...”。
图片仅做版面美化 与本案无关 来源:Nick Souza Photography
对于以上案例,我们也曾和一些租家责任险的保险人探讨,他们持有和以上案例相同的观点,特别是在首航次已经交付并通过验舱的情况下,后续航次验舱不过租船人很难索赔船东或停租。当然该保险人也提到了如果租约中交付条款约定了货舱按照”Grain standard ”交付,那么这种情况下对租船人比较有利。
London Arbitration 5/08