金康2022系列之五:Cargo Fumigation 诺亚天泽保险经纪 2023-09-26 09:47

(编者按:续我司微信公众号9月12日文章《金康2022系列之四:Loading and Discharging》,编者现对货物熏蒸条款进行解析,与君共勉。)


5. Cargo Fumigation

(a)The Charterers shall have the option to fumigate the Cargo in the vessel’s holds in port and/or at anchorage and/or in transit. Such fumigation shall be performed always in accordance with all applicable IMO Recommendations as amended from time to time. Fumigation shall not be commenced without written confirmation from the Master that loading (including trimming and/or securing)is complete.

(b)Fumigation shall be at the charterers’ risk and responsibility. Any costs and expenses incurred in connection with or as a result of such fumigation, including but not limited to gas detection equipment, respiratory protective equipment and crew training, shall be for the charterers’ account. The charterers shall indemnify the owners for any liabilities, losses or costs arising out of or resulting from cargo fumigation.

(c)If local authorities or IMO Recommendations require the crew to be accommodated ashore as a result of fumigation ordered by the charterers, all costs and expenses reasonably incurred in connection thereto including, but not limited to, transportation, accommodation and victualling shall be for charterers’ account.

(d)At the discharging port or place all fumigant remains, residues and fumigation equipment shall be removed from the vessel as soon as possible and disposed of by the charterers at charterers’ risk, responsibility, cost and expense in accordance with MARPOL Annex V or any other applicable rules relating to the disposal of such materials.

(e)All time lost to the owners in connection with or as a result of fumigation performed in accordance with subclause (a) above prior to commencement of laytime and /or after cessation of laytime or time on demurrage shall be considered as detention and shall be compensated by charterers at the demurrage rate stated in Box 19. Any unused laytime shall be deducted from such compensation.  .

(f)The exercise by the charterers of the option to fumigate the cargo under this clause shall not be construed as evidence as to the condition of the cargo at the time of shipment, and the master or the owners may not clause bills of lading solely by reason of fumigation. .















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