Australia coal exports to China rebound on surge in Apr, Kpler Sxcoal 2023-05-09 09:35

Australia exported 5.43 million tonnes of coal to China in April, up 28.2% from March and 3419.5% year on year, according to cargo tracking data from Kpler.
Total Australian coal exports fell 3.41% from March to 28.23 million tonnes in April but rose 2.43% from a year earlier.

Exports to Asia dropped 10.77% month on month in April to 23.01 million tonnes but gained 6.69% year on year. Exports to Europe declined 27.39% from March but increased 20.86% from a year ago to 0.868 million tonnes.
By country, Australia shipped 6.36 million tonnes of coal to Japan in April, down 32.10% from March and 32.55% year on year. Exports to India fell 11.14% month on month but rose 0.41% year on year to 3.08 million tonnes.
In the first four months of 2023, Australian coal exports totaled 108 million tonnes, down 3.06% on year.
The bump in exports to China, the world's biggest coal buyer, provided some bright news for Australian producers as shipments to most other major destinations dropped.

Source: Sxcoal

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