恶劣天气下,未核实压载稳性,造成船舶倾覆 刘陟 天津散固 2023-02-15 10:46


Vessel takes on significant list and founders in heavy weather


   What happened?   


The ship had recently undergone a change of management company and a totally new crew joined the ship. Following a brief handover from the previous crew, the ship sailed with no cargo. The previous crew reported that all the double bottom ballast tanks were full and the wing ballast tanks were 60% to 65% full (about 80% total ballast capacity). The replacement crew did not verify the status of the ballast tanks.


In the next port a total of 116 loaded twenty-foot-equivalent containers were loaded in the holds and on deck (estimated 1,900 tonnes in total). The crew made no changes to the ballast configuration, meaning that in addition to the loaded cargo the ship was still ballasted to about 80% total ballast capacity. The crew had still not verified the status of the ballast tanks.


The ship departed for the next port, where it took on fresh water before departing for its final destination. Shortly after departing, the ship encountered heavy weather caused by a combination of the monsoon winds and a typhoon, which was tracking northwards through a strait.


The ship was rolling heavily and developed a list of about 25 degrees to starboard, towards the wind and waves that were coming from the starboard side. After about one hour the list increased to 30 degrees. Without attempting to establish the cause of the list, the master issued a Mayday and ordered the 12-in-total crew to abandon ship into a liferaft. The crew were all safely retrieved from the liferaft by helicopter.


When the crew boarded the helicopter, they noted the ship was listing about 45 degrees. All of the deck containers were still in place, and as they had left the main engine and generators running, the lights were still burning. The crew reported that there had been no noticeable failure of the ship's equipment or systems, and there had been no movement of the containers on deck. The crew assumed that there was no movement of the containers in the holds because the containers were so tightly packed athwart ships that no appreciable transverse movement would have been possible.


Six days later a search found the ship still afloat and listing between 15 and 30 degrees to starboard. All of the deck containers were missing, but the hatch covers were in place and appeared intact. However, when a salvage tug arrived about four days later, the ship had sunk.


Why did it happen?


The cause of the ship taking on a list and subsequently sinking was not conclusively identified.


The crew were not fully aware of the severity of the forecast weather conditions and consequently, the ship had not implemented heavy weather procedures.


The course of the ship was beam on to a heavy sea and swell, resulting in heavy rolling for a sustained period of time.


In the absence of any other obvious factors, the reason for the ship developing a heavy list is likely related to a change in stability resulting from an ingress of water, and/or an uninitiated change in the status of the ballast tanks.


The crew had not verified the amount of water in each ballast tank since they had boarded the ship more than three weeks before the casualty. Therefore, the pre-departure stability calculation made on the ship's stability computer might not have been a true representation of the ship's actual stability condition.


The crew took no action to identify the reason for the ship taking on a list and therefore took no remedial action (if any was possible).


The crew were unlikely to have been properly familiarized with their ship before it departed on the accident voyage.There appeared to be minimal support and assistance provided to the new crew by the new ship management company when it took over the operation of the ship.


What can we learn? 


It is essential that the officers and crew be fully familiar with a new ship, particularly when an entire crew change has taken place.


It is essential that the master and deck officers check and monitor the distribution of cargo, ballast and all other fluids within their ship in order to have an accurate appreciation of the ship's stability at all times.


The master and crew should have a good appreciation of the likely weather to be encountered during the voyage, and prepare the ship accordingly before any adverse weather is encountered.


When something unusual happens to a ship, such as taking on a substantial list, all early efforts should be made to identify the cause and take remedial action before it is too late.


Who may benefit? 



Seafarers, ship managers, shipowners, ship operators.



1. 根据本船航线、吨位、船型等情况,制定防台防汛应急预案,明确各岗位职责,并定期开展应急演练和救生设备等相关知识培训;

2. 船舶驾驶员要充分利用NAVTEX、FAX等气象设备提前了解航经区域的天气情况,收到台汛警报后要立即报告船长;

3. 定期检查船舶防台防汛设备、水密设施和救生消防设备等,及时做好维护保养;

4. 船长和驾驶员要定期学习气象知识,准确识别气象预报信息中的恶劣天气标识和等级,防止遗漏天气预警信息;

5. 台汛期,船员应尽量在生活区内活动,减少到甲板等室外场地活动,若必须到室外,需系好安全带,另一端与船舶固定处连接;

6. 如需进行室外作业、吊装作业、开关舱等危险作业时,要避开恶劣天气影响时段。














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