无需重复登记,所有信息将自动顺延至新展期。如您因展会档期调整无法参观,需要办理退款,可于2022年12月9日前登录观众注册系统(https://wbx.corpit.com.cn/WBXVisitor/ ),从导航栏中进入“退款信息”页面,点击“退款申请”按钮。填写通知下方的“退款反馈”函,已开具电子发票的观众,需签字并且加盖公司公章;未开具电子发票的观众,仅需签字即可。“退款反馈”函请发送至hunterliu@corpit.com.cn邮箱。
Postponement Announcement of WBX 2022
Dear exhibitors, visitors and all relevant parties,
Due to the government’s tightened Covid-19 restrictions and the concern for show quality, we are sorry to inform you that WBX 2022 which has been scheduled on December 1-2, 2022 will now be postponed again. And the next WBX event will take placeon June 29-30, 2023 in Shanghai.
If you are exhibitors, it will be transferred across to the new dates, as will any orders you have placed with official contractors. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our sales team.
If you are registered visitors, there is no need for you to do anything. Your ticket will be rolled forward to the new show date. If you are unable to visit due to the schedule conflict,please log into the visitor registration system (https://wbx.corpit.com.cn/WBXVisitor/UserAuth/HomeEn) before December 9, 2022, and enter the ‘Refund Information’ page from the navigation bar and click the ‘Refund Application’ button. Please print out the refund application letter on the page. For those who has issued the electronic invoice, please sign and affix the company's official seal. Visitors who have not issued electronic invoices only need to sign the letter. Please send the refund feedback letter to hunterliu@corpit.com.cn.
Holding WBX is a great opportunity for people to come together to learn, trade and network and to look positively to the future of breakbulk logistics and transportation industry, we believe that WBX will even better than before.
We greatly appreciate your patience and understanding. To get more event updates, follow us on the official website (www.wbx-sh.com/en) and WeChat account (World_Breakbulk_Expo).
Kind regards,
WBX Event Team