Iron Ore Arrivals at Chinese Ports Increased Slightly, Shipments from Australia and Brazil Fell Sharply SMM 2022-04-11 10:27

SMM data showed that a total of 67 ships arrived at major ports in China from March 28 to April 3, carrying 10.45 million mt of iron ore, up 730,000 mt on a weekly basis, but down 840,000 mt from a year ago. In the same period, shipments from Australia were 17.2 million mt, down 870,000 mt week-on-week and 1.64 million mt YoY; shipments from Brazil were 4.86 million mt, down 1.47 million mt week-on-week and 1.09 million mt YoY.
The pandemic situation in Tangshan has eased, and it is expected that the lockdown in the entire region will be lifted next week, which will improve iron ore demand after shipments were hindered by pandemic controls. However, considering the aggravation of the pandemic in east China, the demand for iron ore may show regional differences.

Source: SMM

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