俄乌局势与战争险保险 中国船东互保协会资讯平台 2022-02-28 11:57

CPI 资讯 No. 600

摘 要






在2月18日协会发布的【2022】2号通函中,协会发布了根据伦敦保险市场联合战争险委员会对于原船舶战争险除外区域清单 (JWLA-027)进行的修改以及新发布的除外区域清单( JWLA-028)撤销定期船舶战争险的7天通知。通知表明原定期船舶战争保险合同将于2022年2月26日23:59时(格林威治时间)被撤销。同时,除非协会收到会员公司相反的通知,协会同意该定期船舶战争保险合同将于2022年2月27日00:00时(格林威治时间)自动恢复,但适用新的JWLA-028以代替原JWLA-027。会员需要特别注意,由于当地局势快速变化,目前对于船舶进入乌克兰和亚速海水域的加保和加费报价仅为24小时有效,如果船舶未能在24小时有效期内驶入除外区域,保险人有权对附加费率和变更的保险条件进行更改。具体细节请参见【协会通函】关于船舶战争险除外区域变更的通函

The English version of the tips is provided as follows for members in need.

The situation in Ukraine is changing every minute and impossible to predict with accuracy, but there is clearly a possibility that escalation of the conflict may impact on vessels navigating in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. Following the Association’s member circular dated 18th February, 2022 updating on war risk listed area, Members are recommended to pay attention to the following:

Updates on the armed conflict in Ukraine

The ongoing military action is fast moving and unpredictable, but is impacting on port operations in Black Sea area such as Odessa where explosions have been reported. It is reported that local authorities have closed entrances to the port of Odessa and cargo operations might be suspended until further notice.  Vessels may also face navigational challenges as the rest of Black Sea and Eastern Ukraine areas remain dangerous sea areas and under armed force control. Therefore, the Association strongly suggest members to contact your local agents for latest advice if you have a vessel calling to Ukraine.

Insurance cover

Regarding members’ query on how war risk cover operates in the current situation in Ukraine, the Association would refer you to Association News No.407, dated 19 August, 2019 which provides general guidance on War Risk Cover, additional premium and navigational operations in high risk listed areas. 


In recent member circular No.2 [2022] dated 18th February, 2022, the Association advised that Joint War Committee has published JWC Hull War, Piracy, Terrorism and Related Perils Listed Areas 15 February 2022 (JWLA-028). The Association would like to draw your attention that current war risks cover policy would be terminated at 23:59 on 26th February 2022 (Greenwich time) and reinstated at 00:00 27th February 2022 (Greenwich time) with JWLA-027 to be replaced by JWLA-28 unless further notice. Special attention is required for held cover and additional premium quotation for vessel entering into Ukrainian and Russian waters in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov subject to 24/7 which means the underwriter is entitled to change additional premium or revise cover terms if the vessel fails to enter into subject waters within 24 hours after the quotation. Please see more details in the member circular No.2 [2022].





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