【船舶竞价】 HAIJI(7.4万吨江南船厂造)网络竞价转让公告 广州航运交易平台 2020-10-28 15:53

广州航运交易有限公司受客户委托,对委托方所有的“HAI JI”轮散货船进行网络公开竞价转让。现将有关事项公告如下:


标的底价:600万美元(USD 6,000,000.00);









2、竞买人身份证明文件:请在报名时上传法人营业执照扫描件(盖章)、法定代表人身份证扫描件、经办人身份证扫描件、法人的授权委托书;境外竞买人,请在报名时上传Certificate of Incorporation,Passport copy of Director,Power of Attorney等文件;










账  号:3602056909200307338







账  号:3602056929200509531




竞价时间分为定时报价阶段和延时报价阶段。北京时间2020年11月25日 16:00-16:30为定时报价阶段,16:30起为延时报价阶段。竞价时段设置的应价时间截止,最后报价有效的竞买人为中标方;应价时间截止,所有竞买人均未报价的,本次网络竞价终结。
























周先生:+86 15918795024   


秦小姐: +86 13802779424   






周先生:+86 15918795024,


秦小姐: +86 13802779424,



                        广州航运交易有限公司                             2020年10月28日

Guangzhou Shipping Exchange Co., Ltd. Bidding Announcement of MV “HAI JI”

Commissioned by our entrusting party, Guangzhou Shipping Exchange Co., Ltd. (GSE) determines to organize an online bidding for a bulk carrier named “HAI JI”. The announcement is stated as follows.

I. Description

Reserve Price: USD 6,000,000.00

Deposit: USD 600,000.00 or RMB 4,200,000.00

Increment:≥USD 20,000.00

All the static information about the ships are for reference only, bidders can make inspections for the ship at the prescribed location within the announcement period.

II. Qualifications and Registration of Bidders

Any corporation and organization in and outside The People's Republic of China with full capacity for civil conduct and lawfully existing may participate in this bidding.

Interested bidders shall visit https://www.gse020.com/#/ to register a member account and become a qualified bidder. The following documents are required to upload in the process of applying for a bidding:

1.Voucher of deposit payment from the paying bank.

2.Identity documents of the bidder: scanned copy of the business license (sealed), scanned copies of the legal person’s ID card, Power of Attorney are needed for a handler to participate on behalf of the company. For an oversea bidder, scanned copies of Certificate of Incorporation, passport copy of Director and Power of Attorney are needed.

3.ID documents, Power of Attorney and other files approved by GSE and the Entrusting Party are needed for a broker commissioned to participate.

4. All time stated in this announcement are Beijing time.

Deadline for online bidding registration: 16:00 November 24, 2020.

A qualified bidder refers to a bidder finish the following steps and be fully aware of, accepting and complying with the contents of this announcement and the measures for the implementation of the bidding of GSE:

a) Finish registration of member account

b) Pass the identity audit

c) Remit the deposit and upload the payment voucher

d) Deposit received by escrow account of GSE

e) Pass the bidding registration audit on working days in China 

f) Get a bidding number   

III. Auction Deposit

Bidders shall remit the auction deposit of USD600,000.00 or RMB 4,200,000.00  to the account of GSE before 12:00 on November 24, 2020. In the event that the auction deposit is remitted from a third party account on behalf of the bidder, the name of the third party shall be consistent with the name stated in Power of Attorney. Any bidder remitted auction deposit shall be deemed to be fully aware of and accepting all the known and unknown defects of the ship.

1.USD Account:

Account Name: Guangzhou Shipping Exchange Co., Ltd.

Bank Name: Industrial And Commercial Bank of China Guangzhou Nansha Branch

Account No.:3602056909200307338

Bank Address: No.3,Wangjiang 2nd street,Huangge Town,Nan Sha District,Guangzhou,China



Bank Address: No.3,Wangjiang 2nd street,Huangge Town,Nan Sha District,Guangzhou,China

2. RMB Account:

Account Name:Guangzhou Shipping Exchange Co., Ltd.  

Bank Name: Industrial And Commercial Bank of China Guangzhou Nansha Branch

Account No.:3602056929200509531

Note: Please remark the name of the ship.

Subject to the time of receipt of the account, any bidders failed to remit the auciton deposit as required will be deemed as invalid bidders. The bid winner is called the“Winning Bidder”. The auction deposit paid by the winning bidder will be automatically converted into a Ship Deposit after “Memorandum of Agreement”(MOA) is signed.Unsuccessful bidders’ Auction Deposits will be refunded in full amount within 10 working days without interest.

IV. Bidding Time and Rules

The whole bidding process is consisted of a fixed time bidding and the extension time bidding. The fixed time bidding:16:00 to 16:30, November 25, 2020,the extension time bidding begins from 16:30. The last valid bidder shall be the “winning bidder”. The termination of this bidding come in to force when no bidder bids before the countdown runs out.

This online bidding is organized at https://www.gse020.com/#/boatbidding by GSE. The first bid shall not be lower than the starting price, the increment of this bidding is USD20,000.00. The countdown shall automatically restart from 2 minutes when a bidder bids in the extension time bidding stage. At the end of countdown, the latest bidder who offers the highest price shall become the Winning Bidder.

The server time of https://www.gse020.com/#/boatbidding is deemed as the official time of this bidding. GSE and the Entrusting Party assume no responsibility when reasons lead to the failure of bidders participating in the bidding due to personal time inconsistency, terminal device or network failure.

GSE and the Entrusting Party assume no responsibility when website anomaly and suspension of bidding occurs due to force majeure or (and) the cause of third party. GSE will release a supplement announcement for the suspension of bidding. A new bidding announcement will be released after the website service comes back up.

V. After the end of the bidding, the Winning Bidder must sign the “Purchase Confirmation” on the day when the result of bidding is generated. The Winning Bidder must sign the “Memorandum of Agreement” with the Entrusting Party as soon as possible. In case of the Winning Bidder refusing to sign the “Purchase Confirmation” and (or)“Memorandum of Agreement” shall be deemed as the behavior of default, the Winning Bidder must compensate for the loss, assume legal liability and the deposit will not be refunded. GSE has the right to reorganize the bidding. In the case of re-bidding, the original Winning Bidder shall pay the commission for the first bidding. Should the price of a re-bidding be lower than the price of the original bidding price, the original Winning Bidder shall pay for the balance.

VI. Commission

Agreed by the Entrusting Party, the Winning Bidder will pay the commission of this bidding at 1.2% of the final price (subject to the final USD bidding price), the payment must be made to GSE within 10 working days from the date of signing the “Purchase Confirmation”. 

The Entrusting Party must submit ship documents and pay the attestation charges of the ship to Guangzhou Shipping Exchange within 3 working days after the delivery of the ship. Guangzhou Shipping Exchange will issue the ship transaction invoice and the ship transaction certificate.

VII. The balance payment

After signing the “Memorandum of Agreement”, the Winning Bidder shall pay the full transaction price in accordance with the terms of the MOA. Overdue payment will be deemed as default. The Winning Bidder shall not be entitled to demand the refund of the ship deposit.

VIII. Delivery of the Ship

The date of delivery,time limitation and place subjects to terms in the MOA.The “Memorandum of Agreement” is based on “Memorandum of Agreement Norwegian Sale Form 2012” (NSF’2012), all trading terms state in this announcement and adding other terms both party agreed with. The winning bidder shall pay the residual balance and other related charges before signing the PODA.

After the delivery of the ship, receiving the PODA and the formal notice of remittance,GSE will remit the full amount of the ship without interest to the Entrusting Party’s account within 3 working days.

IX. The Entrusting Party will not issue invoice of the ship and the remaining fuel. All taxes and fees arising from the transfer shall be borne by the Winning Bidder.

X. The remaining fuel is not included in this bidding. The amount of fuel shall be jointly measured by the Entrusting Party and the Winning Bidder on the day of delivery.The value of the remaining fuel is subject to the invoice amount of the last time refueling of this ship. The Winning Bidder shall remit the value of remaining fuel in full amount directly to the Entrusting Party's account on the delivery day.

XI. All expenses and custodial responsibility related to the ship is for the Entrusting Party’s account before the signing of “Ship Delivery Agreement”. After signing this “Ship Delivery Agreement”, all the expenses, custodial responsibility and risks of the ship will be borne by the Winning Bidder.

XII. Disclaimer

All description,video and pictures provided about the ship is for reference only, GSE does not constitute any guarantee for the ship. 

The Entrusting Party sells this ship basis of “as is, where is”. If bidder waive the right of inspection is deemed as fully understood the ship status.A bidder remits deposit to GSE is deemed as fully understood all the circumstances of the ship, including but not limited to certificates, status and all known and unknown defects of the ship. Bidders shall not demur to the quality and defects of the ship with any reason.

Obstructing other bidders from bidding, manipulating or monopolize the bidding price and collusion of bidders are prohibited. Once discovered, the bidder will be disqualified, investigated, and affixed legal liabilities.

GSE, the Entrusting Party and the Winning Bidder may negotiate matters not mentioned herein.

This announcement is described in both Chinese and English. If any discrepancy occurs between the two languages, the Chinese version shall prevail.

XIII. Inspection

Inspection Time:October 28, 

2020—November 25, 2020(Beijing Time), 

during the time of the ship berth at the port.

Inspection Contact: 

Mr. Zhou +86 15918795024   


Ms. Qin  +86 13802779424  


Inspection Location: Berth ports during the announcement period.

Delivery Location: China,or determined in consultation

XIV. Contact

Mr. Zhou +86 15918795024   


Ms. Qin  +86 13802779424  


Here by notice.

Guangzhou Shipping Exchange Co., Ltd.

                October 28, 2020
















【交易】船舶出售/出租/求购/求租 港口物资出售/求租 招商 山港·融白酒出售



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