China discovers large gas reserves in Bohai Bay xinde marine news 2019-02-25 15:23

More than 100 billion cubic meters of natural gas reserves have been confirmed at a gas filed in north China's Bohai Bay, according to China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), the largest offshore oil and gas producer in the country on Sunday. 
CNOOC said Bozhong 19-6, or BZ19-6, also has more than 100 million cubic meters of condensate oil. The discovery makes the oil and gas filed the largest in the Bohai Bay so far. 
So far, the BZ19-6 project launched by the company has already completed test drilling and exploration of 11 wells, with the discovery of more than 100-meter thick of gas layers in each. In the 12th well currently being explored, oil was also discovered at a depth of 4,700 meters. 
"If they are fully exploited, the energy will be enough for a city with a population of one million for more than 100 years," said Liu Baosheng, the project manager.
Oil and gas fields in western China make up 80 percent of the country’s natural gas production, while the central and east parts are the main energy consumers. The newly discovered gas reserves will greatly improve energy supply in north China.

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