Members with ships calling at Chinese ports are advised that from 22 December 2022 there is a requirement to record energy consumption data in accordance with the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP).
The new
regulation published by the China Maritime Safety Administration (MSA) applies to Chinese flagged ships as well as any foreign flagged ships of 400GT and above calling Chinese ports, with the exception to military, fishing or sports vessels.
The regulation is valid for five (5) years and Shanghai MSA is responsible for the statistics, analysis and verification of the ship energy consumption data throughout China.
Bimco has kindly provided an English translated version of the regulations. This is attached for member’s reference.
Additionally, some of the key points are highlighted below:
·According to Article 2 of the Regulation of Administrative Measures of Ship Energy Consumption Data and Carbon Intensity, this applies to any Chinese flagged ships of 400GT and above as well as any foreign flagged ships calling Chinese ports.
·According to Article 5, ships are required to record the ship energy consumption data on the ships’ logbook or other relevant documents in accordance with the requirements of the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan. The ship’s records need to be kept for a period of minimum two (2) years.
·According to Article 7, ships need to report the energy consumption data of the previous voyage to the MSA whilst going through the port formalities or departure report.
·According to Article 11, Chinese flagged vessels that meet the relevant requirements of the ship energy efficiency index specified in the MARPOL, shall obtain the International Energy Efficiency Certificate.
·According to Article 21, where a ship fails to report her energy consumption data as required, she will be subject to the penalties set out in the Administrative Provisions of China on the Prevention and Control of ·Marine Environmental Pollution by Vessels and Their Operations. Thus far, the fines for such violations are usually around CNY 2,000, however they are bound to significantly increase.
·Furthermore, Article 21 provides that in case of any ship submitting incorrect data, the MSA requires the ship to submit the correct data within three (3) working days of notice being received.
The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Xinde Marine News.
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