- Rates for shipping containers from east Asia and China to both US coasts are on the rise again as US consumers demand for goods shows no signs of easing. The trade group National Retail Federation (NRF) said last week in its monthly GlobalICIS,Focus story by Adam Yanel2022-01-18 08:50:46
- PetroChina International Singapore Pte Ltd climbed three spots to be the top marine fuel supplier in the worlds biggest ship refuelling hub in 2021 while the overall number of licensed suppliers fell by four to 41, official data showed on MReuters2022-01-18 08:48:24
- Optimarin has bolstered its global sales force with new appointments in Turkey, Hong Kong and Singapore to serve customers better in response to increasing demand for its industry-leading ballast water treatment system (BWTS). New sales manXinde Marine News2022-01-17 16:08:28
- Strategic Marine (S) Pte Ltd (Strategic Marine) recently handed over Centus Ten to Malaysian Offshore operator Centus Marine Sdn Bhd (Centus). This marks the third fast crew boat handed over by Strategic Marine to Centus in the last 12 montXinde Marine News2022-01-17 11:41:00
- The Signing Ceremony of Cooperation Agreement between CMJI(Weihai) and RINA was held atCMJI Weihai on 13thJanuary 2022.Ms.Kelly Huang,Commercial Director of RINA Greater Chinaand Mr.ZHENG Hehui, General Manager of CMJI(Weihai) have signed tRINA2022-01-17 09:11:44
- The freight rates of most routes fell, and the composite index stopped rising and fell Ningbo Containerized Freight Index: In the week ending Jan-7, Ningbo Containerized Freight Index (NCFI) issued by Ningbo Shipping Exchange (NBSE) quotesXinhua2022-01-17 08:57:33
- All-inclusive container shipping rates from North and Southeast Asia to North America were widely viewed as having reached a medium-term ceiling after returning to record high levels, but support is expected to be maintained at least for anPlatts2022-01-17 08:55:13
- Tanker Super Cycle? For tankers, it feels like every other shipping sector has experienced some form of super cycle over the past 12-18 months. Whilst tanker owners witnessed record low earnings, rates in the container and LNG sectors soareXinde Marine News2022-01-17 08:39:04
- The weather in Brazil is currently having a negative impact on the dry bulk market as rains slow down mining operations whilst elsewhere drought is damaging crop yields. A spell of very wet weather has drenched parts of central Brazil, inclXinde Marine News2022-01-17 08:35:11
- Simpson Spence Young (SSY), the largest independent shipbroker in the world has today announced the acquisition of Anchor Shipbroking Inc. Based in Piraeus, Greece, Anchor Shipbroking are specialists in Sale Purchase, offering a full rangeXinde Marine News2022-01-17 08:31:22
- The 2022 edition of the Leading Maritime Cities (LMC) report was launched today at an event hosted by the Singapore Maritime Foundation (SMF), providing fresh insights into which global hubs offer the best infrastructure, technology, financXinde Marine News2022-01-14 15:32:00
- Hanseaticsoft and Solitwork today announced a strategic partnership. The mission is to jointly improve shipping companies ability toprovide ship owners and managers with enhanced and automated reporting options, further improving business dXinde Marine News2022-01-14 09:35:14
- Commissioned by our entrusting party, Guangzhou Shipping Exchange Co.,Ltd. (GSE) and Guangzhou Hang Qing Bao Auction Co., Ltd. determines to organize an online bidding for a general cargo ship named EVER RICH. The announcement is stated as信德海事网2022-01-14 09:23:57
- Shipping organisations should be able to gather the data they need for operational optimisation regardless of its source says Nicolas Furg, Marlink Decarbonisation and Digitalisation: the shipping industrys twin challenges have a symbioticxinde marine news2022-01-14 09:17:49
- A correspondent in China, Oasis PI, reports on the recently issued notice from the PRC State Council providing guidance on measures to be taken to manage the COVID-19 epidemic, ensure crew members are repatriated and assistance is given toXinde Marine News2022-01-14 09:00:00