
News Bulletins on January 2, 2018

News Bulletins on January 2, 2018



1. “XIN DA HAI”, a 180,000-dwt energy-saving and environment-friendly bulk carrier No. 4 ship built by Tianjin Xingang Shipbuilding Heavy Industry for COSCO Shipping Bulk was signed and named for delivery.


2. In 2017, China’s Pearl River water transport volume is expected to exceed 900 million tons, container traffic reached 15 million TEU.


3. This year, China’s Ningbo Zhoushan Port bonded fuel oil supply will reach 2.4 million tons, an increase of 30%, becoming the largest bonded fuel oil supply port.


4. On December 29, COSCO SHIPPING Energy announced that its subsidiary, COSCO Development (Hong Kong) Shipping and Dalian COSCO KHI Ship Engineering signed the two 308,000 DWT tankers construction agreement at a total cost of less than US $ 160 million. 


5. Yang Ming Marine Transport Corporation announced that they will provide a new Asia Subcontinent Express service (Loop Code: AS1) with effect from ETB Qingdao on 16th January 2018. AS1 extends Yang Ming’s coverage of direct service to the trade between North China and Pakistan.

Sources: Xinde Marine News
Editor: Carrie Zhu

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