
Experts Believe HK is Ideal for Arbitration Disputes

Experts Believe HK is Ideal for Arbitration Disputes
HK local legal professionals and authorities attended a forum which was organized by HK and Mainland Legal Profession Association, the Hong Kong Maritime and Port Board and the Hong Kong Shipowners Association. These experts aired their opinions that Hong Kong is a good venue in solving cross-border disputes including maritime arbitration.
Hong Kong people master Chinese and English in a proficiency way and they have advantages in some fields such as culture, legal system and so on.

Wesley Wong Wai-chung, solicitor general with the SAR’s Department of Justice, said the local legislation has both English and Chinese version and when dealing with cross-border disputes, Hong Kong has its advantage and has been enjoying good reputation with its judicial independence. 
Frank He, deputy general manager of maritime insurance association the London P&I Club, explained one of the major challenges in maritime arbitration cases involving parties from the China and overseas are cultural differences and Hong Kong need to fill the cultural gap.
Anselmo Reyes, a former judge with the High Court and an arbitrator, said the Belt and Road Initiative has brought great opportunities for China, however, knowing cultural sensitivities among different countries and regions along the Belt and Road is increasingly important.
Lianjun Li, partner and head of shipping group of global law firm Reed Smith Richards Butler, said the firm has been dealing with cases from the mainland and with the central government’s policy on Hong Kong’s role (as an international legal center), the Hong Kong government should take the initiative.
This forum is a series of Hong Kong Maritime Week. To see more about HK Maritime Week, please click the following link.
Sources: Xinde Marine News
Editor: Carrie Zhu



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