
Port of Dongguan

Port of Dongguan

Port of Dongguan (previously known as Humen and changed the namme back to Dongguan in March 2016)? Never heard of it? Never mind, it handled 3.64 million TEU (almost same volume as Felixstowe) and 146 million tons of cargoes in 2016.  But it is still small. Fortunately it is in Cantong, close to Hong Kong and the most developed area.  So an cooperation MOU was signed between Guangzhou and Dongguan to consolidate the port business. This is the trendy thing in 2017, port and terminals in each local province will combine together (majority are state owned business) to achieve bigger market share.  The other side of the consolidation  is trying to stop sb else to take over- This happens in HeBei (leading is Qinghuangdao), Liaoning(leading is Dalian), Zhejiang (Ningbo-Zhoushan) and Jiangsu (it is happening). or if you still have no idea of Where Dongguan is, please google it, it might   have other nick names... The purpose of the consolidation is to respond to the incoming Greater Can-HK-Macao Bay project which is going on...



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