
China gives DPRK enterprises 120 days to close

China has ordered DPRK enterprises operating on its soil to close within 120 days in line with the latest sanctions adopted by the United Nations Security Council on September 11.

Waitresses from DPRK are singing in a North Korean restaurant in Beijing on Feb 12, 2017. [Photo: IC]

Waitresses from DPRK are singing in a North Korean restaurant in Beijing on Feb 12, 2017. [Photo: IC]

The decision was taken on September 12, but was announced on Thursday by China’s Ministry of Commerce and the National General Administration for Industry and Commerce.

According to Resolution 2375 of the UNSC, which was unanimously adopted by the 15-member bloc, “states shall prohibit, by their nationals or in their territories, the opening, maintenance, and operation of all joint ventures or cooperative entities, new and existing, with DPRK entities or individuals, whether or not acting for or on behalf of the government of the DPRK.”



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