A new horizon for seafarer wellbeing: RightShip's Crew Welfare Self-Assessment Tool xinde marine news 2023-12-25 15:06

Crew Welfare Self-Assessment Search Tool
Crew welfare is critical for numerous reasons. It directly impacts the physical and mental health of individuals, which can have serious consequences for their performance and decision-making. By neglecting crew welfare, morale is dampened, stress is increased and the risk of errors and accidents rises.
Indeed, it is widely believed that around 75% of all maritime liability losses are caused by human error, so a safe and happy crew is not only important for the individual crew members, but also for protecting the bottom line of maritime operators. In recent times, a growing industry focus on ESG and appreciation of the importance of a well-looked after crew for commercial performance has led to increasing awareness within the industry of the need to tackle this issue head on.
RightShip's self-assessment tool
In response RightShip has created Crew Welfare Self-Assessment Tool, a vital instrument for evaluating and enhancing the wellbeing of mariners. The tool has allowed for a systematic assessment of the varied factors affecting crew welfare – such as working conditions, safety measures and mental health support. Since its launch, maritime organisations have been able to identify areas in need of improvement, implement the necessary changes and – ultimately – keep abreast of the physical and mental health of those responsible for delivering 90% of global trade.
The result? Through this,RightShip has successfully been able to foster a safer, more supportive working environment, and contribute to overall operational efficiency and compliance with international maritime standards. This means that the wellbeing of crew members remains at the forefront of the industry.
The journey isn't over
Several other industry bodies have made moves to ensure that crew welfare remains top of the agenda – such as the Mission to Seafarers’ Happy at Sea app – meaning that there is now more digital support for seafarers. From RightShip's conversations with customers, the RightShip team has seen firsthand the ambition to get to grips with crew welfare, but this initial progress must only be the beginning.
Earlier this year, RightShip released concerning industry statistics which underline this point. 703 vessels have been reported to have been involved in cases of seafarer abandonment over the last two decades, clearly showing that more must be done.
Transparency. Accountability. Collaboration.
Transparency and accountability provide RightShip with the means needed to ensure this happens and RighShip are dedicated to facilitating the industry-wide collaboration which will be the key to improving crew welfare worldwide. Take Crew Welfare Self-Assessment here to review your current operations and identify how you can improve crew welfare and protect bottom lines.

Source: RightShip

The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Xinde Marine News.

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