What the type of casualty
Very serious marine casualty: Engine-room flooding and foundering
What happened?
A 1,200 GT general cargo ship, which was carrying iron slag on a cabotage voyage in good weather conditions, raised a Mayday call through VHF Channel 16, stating that its engine-room was flooding and that the ship gradually sinking. The Master then ordered his crew to launch the rescue boat to abandon the sinking ship. A containership navigating in the vicinity responded to the Mayday call and successfully rescued all 10 crew members from the rescue boat. The 10 crew members were later transferred to a Coast Guard boat.
As a result of the flooding, the general cargo ship sank and was declared a total loss.There was no oil pollution, crew injury or death arising from the incident.
Why did it happen?
The 1984-built general cargo ship had carried out periodic maintenance and repair of the sea water pipelines (pipe, valve, seal, gasket) in the engine-room during dry-docking.Hull areas below the waterline were also blasted and painted, and 42 anodes were renewed.The result of the underwater plate thickness measurement had showed no appreciable diminution in the thickness of the steel plate; hence, no bottom plate steel renewal was made.However, considering the age of the vessel, it was postulated that corrosion, decay and failure in the sea water pipelines may have been contributory to the flooding.
The Chief Engineer had noted during his shift that the bilge alarm in the engine-room had been activated when it reached the set level, and he had pumped out the bilges. He had also given instructions to the Duty Engineer to check the bilge level at the beginning of each shift.The Duty Engineer was working in the engine-room workshop when he received the bilge water alarm. He acknowledged the alarm, but he did not immediately investigate the source of the bilge water alarm. Later, when realising that the bilge alarm light had kept blinking, he went down to check the engine-room bilges, joined by the Chief Engineer.
They were however not able to identify the source of the flooding, as the water level had risen above the engine floor plate. At this level, it was also impossible to start the bilge pump. To prevent damage, the Chief Engineer stopped the main engine, went up to the bridge, and apprised the situation in the engine-room with the Master.
The Master subsequently raised a Mayday call through VHF Channel 16 and ordered his crew to launch the six-person capacity rescue boat for abandoning the ship. The general alarm was not rung, and he also did not give instructions to his crew to close all water-tight compartments before abandoning the ship.
The rescue boat was launched, and all 10 crew were mustered and they boarded the six-person capacity rescue boat. One crew member abandoned the ship without wearing his life jacket.
What can we learn?
Pay particular attention to mechanical, structural or material failure due to the ship's age. Particular attention should be given to the seawater pipelines in older ships due to the higher probability of developing corrosion, decay and failure which could contribute to flooding.
Keep effective engine-room watch and control. The Duty Engineer should not be distracted from performing his main engine watchkeeping duty. When he first received the alarm, the Duty Engineer was in the engine-room workshop.Immediate and prompt action at the first instance in identifying the source of the flooding would have provided sufficient time for mitigation actions to be taken.
The importance of conducting regular and periodic training and drills. Had regular and periodic training and drills been done on board, the Master would have rung the general alarm and would have given instruction to close the water-tight compartments. The Master would also have ordered the launching of the 16-person life raft instead of the six-person rescue boat for the 10 crew members to abandon ship. The crew too would have been drilled to close the water-tight compartments, and to assemble at the Muster Point with their life jackets appropriately worn. Ringing the general alarm would also have made the crew more aware of the situation and the closing of the water-tight compartments would have slowed down the rate of sinking.
Who may benefit?
Seafarers, shipowners and operators, flag Administrators.
1. 周期性无人值班机器处所的舱底污水阱的位置和监测,应使液体的积聚在正常纵倾和横倾角度时能够探知;并应大得足以易于容纳无人照管期间的正常泄水量。
2. 当舱底泵能够自动起动时,应有满足注入的液体大于泵的容量或泵比通常预计的更频繁地工作的装置。在这些情况下,可以允许采用足以维持一个合理时间的较小的舱底污水阱。当备有自动控制舱底泵时,应特别注意防止油污的要求。
3. 海水进口、水线下排水或舱底喷射系统等任何阀门的控制设备所在位置应是当水注入该处所时能有足够时间来操作,并要顾及到达和操作这些控制设备所需的时间。如所要求的位置可能于船舱满载情况下被水所浸,则应作出安排,能在该位置以上地点操作这些控制装置。