DNV GL issues PSC checklist,highlights ballast deficiencies xinde marine news 2018-03-26 16:53

Class society DNV GL has issued a checklist for owners to help them prepare for port state control (PSC) inspections. It has been issued in response to analysis of PSC data that shows there were more than 70 deficiencies regarding ballast water management in the Paris MOU region from when the Ballast Water Management Convention (BWMC) came into force on 8 September 2017 and the end of the year. DNV GL also said that “more than 160 deficiencies were identified [worldwide] up to March 2018.”
According to its review of the data, DNV GL said that about a third of ballast water management system (BWMS) deficiencies are for incorrect, not properly filled-in or missing entries in the BWM record book, or the book itself is missing.
Another 25% are the result of incorrect ballast water exchange; either that it was not exchanged at all or the amount of water exchanged was insufficient. Other deficiencies included BWM plans that had not been approved, were incorrect or missing.
DNV GL’s checklist contains 17 points, grouped under four headings. They range from checking that the relevant documents are on board to making sure there is access for a PSC inspector to take a sample. Its covering note made two recommendations to shipowners, in addition to using its checklist. “Familiarise yourself with the requirements of the BWMC,” it said, and “inform and train the crew.”
• BWTT has made its own analysis of the Paris MOU data, from 8 September until 18 March. It found that ballast treatment deficiencies had been found in 145 inspections on 144 ships, of which 15 had been detained. Most of those detentions recorded the ballast deficiencies as ISM-related, with ISM problems listed as one of the grounds for detention. But for two ships, the ballast water deficiency itself was listed as a ground for detention so could, on its own, have justified those ships’ detentions.
Secretary general of the Paris MoU on Port State Control, Richard Schiferli told BWTT that a message he would like to get across to owners from the data is that, although MEPC 71 delayed installation deadlines, the convention is in force and is being enforced by PSC inspectors.


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