World Maritime Day 2018 xinde marine news 2018-02-05 09:49

About World Maritime Day 2018

In 2018, IMO will celebrate 70 years since the Convention establishing the Organization was adopted.

The World Maritime Day theme for the year is "IMO 70: Our Heritage – Better Shipping for a Better Future".

This provides the opportunity to take stock and look back, but also to look forward, addressing current and future challenges for maritime transport to maintain a continued and strengthened contribution towards sustainable growth for all.  



​A series of activities and events are planned to mark the 70 years since the Convention establishing IMO was adopted in March 1948. They will also look ahead, to the future.

Events will include (further details will be made available in due course):

March 2018 - a ceremony to mark the date when the IMO Convention was adopted will be held at IMO Headquarters.

15 May 2018 - a high level forum will be held at IMO Headquarters to discuss the Organization's history, its future challenges and role within the global trade in a changing world.

25 June 2018 - the annual Day of the Seafarer. 

Late September 2018 - World Maritime Day celebrated at IMO Headquarters and around the world.

During 2018 – in conjunction with the International Congress of Maritime Museums a travelling exhibition will tour participating maritime museums.

During 2018 – a photography contest will be held.

Member Governments and international organizations are encouraged to organize events throughout the year to celebrate #IMO70. 


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