- Biofuel trials onboardCapital Ship Management Corp. tanker to advance research for alternative fuels. Capital and Lloyds Register (LR) will trial the use of biofuels in a new pilot project to support the maritime industrys research for lowXinde Marine News2022-06-09 10:10:28
- DNV signed two Memorandum of Understanding Agreements (MOUs) with Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) and Kongsberg Digital (KD) today. The partners agreed to closely cooperate on improving DNVs data infrastructure verification as well as furtheXinde Marine News2022-06-09 09:58:10
- Green hydrogen will be one of the mainstays in the climate-neutral energy system of the future - especially in places where demand for energy is high or cannot be covered using traditional battery solutions for reasons of cost, weight or spXinde Marine News2022-06-09 09:35:24
- In a joint technical seminar held during the Posidonia trade fair, shipyard Hyundai Mipo Dockyard (HMD), ship service company Hyundai Global Service (HGS), and classification society DNV presented the results of a joint industry project (JIXinde Marine News2022-06-09 09:32:43
- The shareholders meeting of RINA, the multinational inspection, certification and engineering consultancy, approved the financial statement for the fiscal year ending 31 December 2021 showing revenues of 533 million Euros, up 14% compared tXinde Marine News2022-06-09 09:31:19
- Columbia Ship Management (CSM) has once again pushed industry boundaries by creating a totally SMART and fully digitised jack-up barge under its management as part of a digital twinning process designed to massively optimise vessel performaXinde Marine News2022-06-08 17:22:00
- June 8 marks the 14th World Oceans Day and the 15th China Oceans Publicity Day. This years theme is Protect the Marine Ecosystem. This theme will continue throughout the 14th Five-year Plan. In recent years, the aggravation of Marine pollutXinde Marine News2022-06-08 17:04:12
- Thordon Bearings has today welcomed the announcement by classification society ABS to award Approval in Principle to the sterntube-less ship concept developed in cooperation with the Shanghai Merchant Ship Design Research Institute (SDARI),Xinde Marine News2022-06-08 13:52:25
- Recent Developments Following two slow COVID years, Russias invasion of Ukraine, and the market upheaval that has followed, freight rates have risen up to rarely-seen levels. In the three months since 24 February 2022, the Baltic Exchange CBIMCO2022-06-08 10:50:16
- Beijing issued additional oil product export quotas of 4.5 million mt to four state-owned oil giants to ease the inventory pressure amid relatively slow recovery in domestic demand, sources with knowledge of the matter told SP Global CommodPlatts2022-06-08 09:52:29
- POSIDONIA CONFERENCE PROGRAMME SETS SMART SHIPPING AGENDA More than 30 martech startups from around the world are displaying their solutions and platforms at this years Posidonia Exhibition currently being held at Athens Metropolitan Expo CXinde Marine News2022-06-08 09:29:39
- Womens International Shipping Trading Association (WISTA) was established in 1974 and is a global, professional network for maritime professionals with 3,500 members in more than 50 countries. WISTA Norway was founded in 1988 and is one ofXinde Marine News2022-06-08 09:27:00
- The digital journey shipping companies are making to recover from the pandemic years By Alexander Buchmann, Managing Director, Hanseaticsoft, part of Lloyds Registers Maritime Performance Services division Shipping companies are focusing onXinde Marine News2022-06-08 09:16:00
- Sometimes fault is not always one-sided as a recent dispute involving a naval architect and a class society demonstrated. The claim was handled by ITIC (International Transport Intermediaries Club) and originated from a shipyard. The yard wXinde Marine News2022-06-08 08:57:02
- The Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006 came into force in August 2013 with an aim to ensure that seafarers are guaranteed equal and acceptable conditions no matter which flag they sail under. Under one of the MLC provisions, delegates frStandard Club2022-06-08 08:53:00