- Indian Register of Shipping (IRS) and Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Ltd. (GRSE) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Kolkata on 7 July 2022. As per the MOU, IRS will provide a comprehensive range of services to GRSE Ltd cXinde Marine News2022-07-11 17:27:02
- After seven years, the largest and most complex bankruptcy liquidation case inChinas shipbuilding industry has finally made critical progress. So far, STX(Dalian), the largest foreign-funded shipbuilding enterprise in China, has finally welXinde Marine News Sarah Yu2022-07-11 16:11:33
- Saronic Ferries has today announced their partnership with C-Job Naval Architects. For the Greek owner, C-Job will develop the design of the first fully-electric Ro-Pax ferry in Greece. Saronic Ferries, the largest ferry operator for the SaXinde Marine News2022-07-11 15:45:16
- Today is the 17th Maritime DayofChinaand the implementation day of World Maritime Day in China. China is a major maritime country. Shipping accounts for about 95% of Chinas international trade cargo transportation, and plays an important roXinde Marine News Sarah Yu2022-07-11 13:13:10
- Singapore secured its lead as the worlds top maritime centre in the Xinhua- Baltic International Shipping Centre Development (ISCD) Index. This is the ninth consecutive year that Singapore is ranked first on the index. The ISCD index is pubXinde Marine News2022-07-11 10:32:00
- At the end of their useful life, ships are recycled for the valuable steel and other materials that can be re-used. End of life ships also contain hazardous substances, like asbestos, heavy metals, oil sludge and other pollutants that if miGard2022-07-11 09:50:58
- Elon Musks SpaceX company has rolled out its Starlink satellite connectivity service to the maritime sector after receiving authorisation from the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) . The satellite-delivered broadband service promisPort Technology2022-07-11 09:48:00
- Sea shipping freight costs have seen a sharp drop in China since June, resulting in an increase in foreign orders to Chinese traders, the Global Times has learned from industry insiders. Observers pointed out that the steady decline in theGlobal Times2022-07-11 09:40:58
- Dramatic Changes This years events have been dominated by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the resulting international sanctions, and the far-reaching consequences for the global economy. For tankers, once the European oil embargo on RussiaXinde Marine News2022-07-11 08:36:26
- Korean Register (KR) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with KLCSM and Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) to jointly research and approve the application of autonomous navigation systems for mid- to large-sized vessels. The agreemenXinde Marine News2022-07-08 17:00:30
- On July 7, Nanjing Tanker Corporation released an announcement on pre-increase in its semi-annual performance. It is expected that the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies in the first half of the year will be 400 milXinde Marine News Sarah Yu2022-07-08 15:40:17
- Shipmanagers and owners, assisted by legal and insurance experts, are grappling with the complexities of drafting a clause for SHIPMAN that sets out the responsibilities for administering and surrendering emissions allowances under an EmissBIMCO2022-07-08 14:15:45
- Explora Journeys, the luxury travel brand of the Cruise Division of MSC Group, and Fincantieri, one of the worlds largest shipbuilding groups, today announced the signing of a memorandum of agreement (MOA) for the construction of an additioXinde Marine News2022-07-08 11:32:58
- After two months of watching their production volume drop, marine paint and building material manufacturers in Chinas eastern region are raising both efficiency and output to drive growth and offset losses caused by shipbuilders declining pChina Daily2022-07-08 10:13:35
- It has been reported by several agencies that grain from Ukraine is being loaded in Sevastopol, a major terminal in the province of Crimea, currently controlled by Russia. However, this is difficult to determine as the vessels in the relevaVessels Value2022-07-08 09:39:39