On September 15, CSSC Dalian Shipbuilding Industry, China Shipbuilding Trading and China Merchants Energy Shipping signed an order for a new 306,000 dwt methanol dual-fuel powered smart VLCC.

China Merchants Energy Shipping initially disclosed at the end of August that it would order a methanol dual-fuel VLCC at DSIC. This is another major breakthrough in this ship type field after DSIC received the world's first LNG-powered dual-fuel VLCC from COSCO Shipping Energy Transportation in 2019.
Since 2007, DSIC, together with China Shipbuilding Trading and CMES, has signed orders for more than 30 large ships, including high value-added ship types such as 300,000 dwt VLCCs and 175,000 m3 large LNG carriers.
The VLCC ordered this time is the world's first methanol dual-fuel powered VLCC. The signing of the methanol dual-fuel powered smart VLCC order is the practice of two major central enterprises adhering to the dual-carbon strategy and a useful exploration to promote green and low-carbon transformation.
By Xinde Marine News Sarah Yu
The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Xinde Marine News.
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