
Xingtong Shipping plans to build 2 chemical tankers and 1 LPG ship

On August 3, Xingtong Shipping disclosed in its "2023 Semi Annual Report" that it plans to build two 25,900 dwt foreign trade chemical tankers and one domestic trade LPG ship, and is negotiating with relevant shipyards cooperation matters.
[Photo: Xingtong Shipping]

According to the announcement, Xingtong Shipping purchased two foreign trade chemical tankers with a total of 45,500 dwt in 2022 and put them into operation. The capacity reaches 345,900 dwt.
Among them, there are 24 chemical tankers with a capacity of 280,900 dwt. In addition, as of the disclosure date of this report, Xingtong Shipping is constructing/purchasing 4 domestic trade ships with a total of 25,100 dwt, and 5 foreign trade ships with a total of 62,900 dwt, which are scheduled to be put into operation in the second half of this year and next year.
By Xinde Marine News Sarah Yu

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