
SUEZ CANAL: Reduction for LNG Carriers

For further enhancing the mutual benefits of both the Suez Canal Authority and its clients, as well as to promote transits via the Suez Canal, Suez Canal Authority decided that circular no. (7/2017) concerning LNG carriers (laden/ballast), shall remain in force after being amended as follows:
Amending article one of circular (7/2017) to read the “Rebate Percentages” and “Ports Ranges” as follows:
1- LNG carriers (laden/ ballast) operating between the “American Gulf” & ports South of the “US Gulf” on one side and the below areas at Asia on the other side, shall be granted the following rebate percentages:
a) Arabian Gulf ports (ports within the Arabian Gulf starting from Sur port, Oman) and its eastern ports until “Cochin port” at the west of India, shall be granted a rebate of 30% of Suez Canal normal tolls.

b) Ports located East of “Cochin port” until before “Port Klang”, shall be granted a rebate of 60% of Suez Canal normal tolls.
c) “Port Klang” and its eastern ports (including Far East area), shall be granted a rebate of 75% of Suez Canal normal tolls.
2-LNG carriers (laden/ballast) operating between ports at the “East Coast of North America” on one side and the below areas at India and its eastern ports on the other side, shall be granted the following rebate percentages:
a) Ports at the West of the Indian subcontinent starting from “Karachi, Pakistan” until “Cochin port” at the west of India, shall be granted a rebate of 10% of Suez Canal normal tolls.

b) Ports located East of “Cochin port” (including Far East area), shall be granted a rebate of 35% of Suez Canal normal tolls.

These Amendments went into force for laden or ballast LNG carriers transiting the Suez Canal starting from 1 July 2023. 

Source: Suez Canal Authority

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