
International Support Vessel Owners' Association (ISOA) announces appointment of new Secretary

3 July 2023: International Support Vessel Owners’ Association (ISOA) has announced the appointment of Jan-Piet Baars as the association’s new Secretary. Jan-Piet has experience in the offshore support vessel sector previously working in senior positions with Vroon Group, and has been an active participant in the work of ISOA, serving as its President in 2019 and 2020.

Jan-Piet Baars

Jan-Piet takes over in September from Tony Mason, who has been ISOA’s Secretary for the last 17 years.
ISOA is the international trade association representing the interests of owners and operators of vessels working in the offshore energy sector and provides a forum for its members to discuss issues of common interest, including regulatory developments, safety, industry standards, and the welfare and training of seafarers. Its membership spans Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas.
Jan-Piet Baars commented on his new appointment as follows:
I am looking forward to working with ISOA and its members in addressing the many challenges facing operators in our sector. Major topics include the response of both owners and charterers to the need to decarbonise our operations, the expansion of our work to embrace offshore wind operations as well as oil and gas activities, and the need to develop data standards specific to our sector so that information can be shared effectively between different stakeholders.

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