
Xinde Marine becomes part of Together in Safety

Singapore, 15th May 2023: Xinde Marine is pledging its support for Together in Safety, a non-regulatory industry consortium, committed to improving the safety performance of the shipping industry. Established in January 2019, the group is supported by all of the shipping industry groups, shipping companies and service providers in the maritime industry.

Grahaeme Henderson, Chair of Together in Safety said:

“Shipping is one of the most hazardous industries in the world. Together in Safety was formed with all of the shipping industry groups, shipping companies, service providers, and country representatives, to improve the safety performance globally across every shipping sector. To achieve this, our industry experts have analysed the root causes of incidents, and compiled a range of best practice tools and resources. The Together in Safety programme with the focus on Leadership, Incident Prevention, and Wellbeing & Care, can be accessed and implemented by anyone in the shipping industry. Having Xinde Marine show its support for our mission is hugely positive and we look forward to closer working in the future.” 

Gary Chen, CEO of Xinde Marine commented:

“We are thrilled to pledge our support for Together in Safety. Xinde Marine is China's leading maritime media and one of our visions is to make shipping safer. Collaboration is the only way to protect maritime workers, and hopefully Together in Safety will bring us together towards a zero-incident industry. We hope that even more organisations, of all sizes, will support this initiative.”

Safety can be said to be a perennial pain point in the shipping industry. To do our part for the safety of shipping, we brought together shipowners, ship managers, flag states, classification societies, insurance companies, maritime law firms, captains, chief engineers and experts in the field of shipbuilding to form the "Xinde Marine Safety Committee". On August 22, 2020, we launched the "Xinde Marine Safety Weekly Bulletin". Then we launched our monthly safety report and safety guidelines, focusing on maritime safety incidents, safety inspections and promoting safety culture. Currently, more than 500 vessels are already following our safety products, directly affecting around 20000 crew members.

Xinde Marine has access to all the freely available resources and tools of Together in Safety and relevant content will be included in our safety product. To support Together in Safety, Xinde Marine will share our best practices and incident statistics in the future.

Only by working together and learning from each other can we make a real difference in safeguarding maritime workers.

“Xinde Marine is China's leading maritime media. One of our visions is to make shipping safer. Together in Safety has shown us that collaboration is the only way to protect maritime workers, and we congratulate the group on its vision to unite the shipping industry with the common goal of achieving a zero-incident industry. We hope that more individuals and organisations will support this initiative.”

Gary Chen, CEO of Xinde Marine

The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Xinde Marine News.

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