
Baltic Asia Mid-Week Dry Freight Report

Bulker ship freight rates since 3 April
The Capesize market saw a steady flow of fixing last week which resulted in a volatile market particularly in Asia, with rates beginning to slide. The Panamax market lost ground and the tonnage list grew in both the Atlantic and Asia. Both Ultramax and Supramax vessel types remained rather positional in the Atlantic, whereas in Asia sentiment remained soft. The Handysize market showed signs of positivity in the Atlantic whereas in Asia rates continued to soften.
Spotlight Report

This week’s Spotlight Report considers the five major dry bulk cargoes, where they are shipped from and to, and what they are used for.
Dry bulk cargoes are solid, unpackaged goods that are transported in large quantities in bulk carriers and are measured as tons of deadweight tonnage.
The top five major dry bulk cargoes are iron ore, coal, grain, bauxite/alumina and phosphate rock.
Iron ore is the most important raw material used to produce steel, which is used in a wide variety of industries such as construction and manufacturing. It takes around 1.6 tons of iron ore to produce one ton of steel. It is mainly shipped from Australia, Brazil, Canada and South Africa to China, Japan and South Korea.
Coal is primarily used as a fossil fuel that is combusted and used as a source of energy to generate electricity. It is shipped from countries such as Australia, Indonesia and South Africa to China, Japan and India.

Grains such as wheat, corn, and soybeans are mostly used as a food source for humans and feed for animals. For example, wheat is typically milled into flour. Grains are shipped from countries such as the United States, Argentina, and Brazil, to China, Japan and South Korea as well as Egypt.
Bauxite is the raw material for aluminum production, while alumina is the intermediate product used to create aluminum metal. Bauxite is shipped from Australia and Guinea to China and India, while Alumina is shipped from Australia and Brazil to countries such as the United States and Europe.
Phosphate rock is used as a fertilizer in agriculture, helping to improve crop yields and food production. It is primarily shipped from countries such as Morocco, Jordan and Tunisia to India, China and the United States.
These are the five major dry bulk cargoes that are transported in bulk carriers around the world. A number of these routes are linked back to the Baltic assessments that we produce here in Singapore. Such as for iron ore C3 - Tubarao to Qingdao and C5 - West Australia to Qingdao, and for coal on the P5 route, which is delivery South China for one Indonesia round voyage. 

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