
Ningbo Ocean Shipping plans to issue 131 million shares

On October 31, Ningbo Ocean Shipping released a letter of intent for the IPO, proposing to issue no more than 130,863,334 new shares, which also means that the A-share "water transportation industry" will add another new force.
According to the prospectus, Ningbo Ocean Shipping is planning to raise 1.025 billion yuan from this public offering, which is intended to be used for the purchase of container ships, bulk carriers, 10000 TEU containers and supplementary working capital projects.
According to the data, Ningbo Ocean Shipping is mainly engaged in shipping, shipping agency and dry bulk freight forwarder of international, coastal and Yangtze River routes, and is the largest container liner enterprise in Zhejiang Province.
According to the report released in September 2022 by Alphaliner, Ningbo Ocean Shipping ranks 33 among the top 100 container liner companies in the world.
As of the end of August 2022, Ningbo Ocean Shipping currently operates 84 ships, forming a comprehensive fleet of 3,000-40,000t container ships and a certain number of dry bulk ships (8 ships). It is also the largest container liner enterprise in Zhejiang Province.
Source: Xinde Marine News Sarah Yu

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