Capsizing of Roll-on/Roll-off Vehicle Carrier ‘Golden Ray’ (2017-built, 7,742 vehicle capacity) at St.Simons Sound, Brunswick River, near Brunswick, Georgia, USA on 8 September 2019, was one of the most expensive marine accidents in history. She partially capsized within 40 minutes after leaving the port of Brunswick with 4,161 vehicles, with a loss of over US$200 million for vessel and cargo. Fortunately, all 24 personnel on board (23 crewmembers & pilot) were rescued, though two crewmembers suffered serious injuries.
Wreck removal of Golden Ray off Georgia coast has been reported as the largest in US history and required more than 3 million collective man-hours over 2-yearperiod. The total loss to marine insurance industry is estimated to exceed US$1 billion as
wreck removal costs are reported about US$840 million.