Indian Register of Shipping (IRS) notes media reports linking it with Russian shipping entities. Our primary function as a classification society is to ensure the highest level of safety on board every vessel which is classed with us. We shall never neglect that responsibility.
In relation to the recent media reports, IRS can report it has been asked to provide safety related classification and survey services to a number of vessels by Dubai based entities. These vessels are registered by leading flag administrations – Liberia and Cyprus. We can confirm that none of the vessels referred to fly the Russian flag.
We also understand that each of these vessels is owned by entities which are registered in above mentioned flag states, as is the long standing and customary practise in international shipping. The vessels are operated by various entities in Dubai and in other parts of the world. None of the companies which own the ships are registered in Russia.
The media reports also refer to “international” and “global” sanctions.
As far as we are aware there are no United Nations mandated sanctions on Russia. These descriptions in fact refer to sanctions issued by the United States of America and some European countries. We note the vast majority of countries around the world, including India, have not issued sanctions against Russia.
IRS further notes the words - as reported – from the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS): "IACS is not involved in the operational and commercial activities of its members, including appraisal, approval surveying and testing of vessels and equipment and the issuing of classification and statutory certificates where authorised. As such, these developments do not get discussed within the association."
We reiterate the safety of merchant vessels is our number one priority, and that IRS intends to abide by international law including the observance of applicable international sanctions.
The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Xinde Marine News.
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