
OneOcean EnviroManager: Keep up-to-date on the latest environmental regulations and reduce your risk of heavy fines

The Challenges
Managing compliance with marine environmental regulations across a fleet is a complex undertaking for ship owners and operators. With an increasing number of rules and restrictions governing the world's waters, maritime companies need access to regulations in effect in and around their voyage routes, to prevent faulty emissions, discharges, and other violations.
There are many regulations to track and abide by depending on the vessel type, its equipment, systems, cargo and above all, location. The majority of constraints related to pollution from ships come into effect at in specific areas, a fact that underscores the need for precise situational awareness.
Keeping track of all regulations, determining relevance, and ensuring that operations are adjusted accordingly is time-consuming, labour-intensive and risks errors. Even the most experienced mariner can misunderstand a baseline or forget to account for a protected marine habitat along a route. These common errors can lead to illegal discharges or prohibited presence in restricted zones, potentially resulting in heavy fines and devastating environmental implications.
Always in compliance
EnviroManager is a simple, user-friendly module of OneOcean that allows users ship and shoreside to visualise and understand where environmental regulations are in effect, and plan passages that are safe and compliant. With data from over 500 environmental zones and 170 nations, EnviroManager has a robust database that is kept up to date by a dedicated team who actively search and verify regulations. For the user, the result is a much lower risk of faulty discharges and violations that lead to severe repercussions.
EnviroManager provides end-to-end clarity on all environmental requirements for regions along a route, enabling users to plan a fully compliant voyage with peace of mind.

What it enables?
Clarity:See the precise boundaries of environmentally protected areas near and along routes overlaid on a ECDIS compliant digital interface.
Better Planning:Plan operational events related to discharges and fuel emissions efficiently, so that vessels don't need to veer off course or double back to legally perform actions.
Reduced risk:Reduce the risk of fines and reputational damage from being caught violating regulations.
Peace of Mind:All stakeholders view and access the same regulations, providing cohesion and reducing uncertainty.
Environmental Management:Add to ISO 14001 environmental management processes.
Strengthened Profile:Strengthen the environmental profile of the organization.
How it does this?
Visual Cues: Traffic light tile notification system makes it easy to understand what action can and cannot be undertaken for a specific waste stream at a given location.
Real Time Guidance: Real-time guidance that only displays regulations relevant to the vessel's specifications.
Continually Updated: Dedicated team continually monitoring and updating regulations in over 500 local, regional and national areas in the OneOcean database.
Collated Data: See environmentally regulated zones as highlighted areas on the same display used to plot navigational waypoints, view weather forecasts and assess other risks.
Visible Regulations: On a visual interface, see colour-coded zones depicting areas with environmental regulations in force.
Accurate ZET: Automatically calculates Zone Entry Time (ZET), the distance and time to entry to territorial waters
Find out how EnviroManager can help your business, BOOK A TRIAL: Link

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