Classification society DNV has updated its recently released Compliance Planner. The digital tool will now additionally enable DNV customers to monitor their entire fleets and individual vessels against Flag State compliance requirements.
International shipping and offshore regulations are expanding in scope and complexity, increasing the burden on ship owners and operators. Designed to provide an overview of IMO, ILO and EU requirements, DNVs Compliance Planner has now been updated to incorporate Flag State requirements - providing an enhanced overview for users. Furthermore, the tool is continuously updated to reflect the latest decisions of regulators and includes several options for demonstrating compliance. Following considerable industry interest, the tool has also been expanded to cover MOUs.
“With hundreds of users accessing the portal on a monthly basis, our tool is proving a popular way for customers to manage their fleets' compliance requirements,” said Georgios Kasimatis, Director of Regulatory Affairs at DNV Maritime. “Since its launch the tool has evolved for the benefit of all ship types, helping owners and operations with their decision-making to ensure they stay ahead of the regulatory curve. We are pleased to now also offer this complementary service to our customers with mobile offshore units in DNV class. This is an area seeing considerable growth and where owners need to quickly get to grips with emerging requirements.”
DNV's compliance Planner provides the user with a tailored list of requirements that their fleet or individual vessel needs to meet to achieve compliance. Once logged in, the tool presents all the upcoming statutory requirements based on the vessels in DNV's MyFleet portal. The results are filtered to match the vessels within a customer's fleet and broken down into mandatory and optional requirements. It also offers an easy jump off point to information that will help customers familiarise themselves with new regulations.
Compliance Planner is available for all DNV customers with vessels and MOUs in class where DNV issues statutory certificates.
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