
Announcement of “SHANDONG HAI SHENG” Online Bidding Reward

This supplement announcement is released to promote bidding of “SHANDONG HAI SHENG”, and to have better cooperation with shipbrokers and achieve all-win among multiple parties.
I.Reward amount:30% of commission GSEP received after-tax.
II.A shipbroker must meet the following requirements to get our reward:
a) Ship brokerage service, shipping consultancy service needs to be included in the authorized shipbroker’s business scope.
b) The bidder must upload the Power of Attorney with the nominated shipbroker’s Certificate of Incorporation( ship brokerage included in the business scope ), Business Profile, certified shareholding files and other files required by GSEP.
c) No shareholding relations between the bidder and the shipbroker.
d) The shipbroker’s registered client won the bidding with highest price.
Any matter not mentioned herein shall be further explained by Guangzhou Shipping Exchange Co., Ltd. and Hang Qing Bao Auction Co., Ltd.
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