
Container ship orders hit a record high

The data shows that the order volume of container ships has reached the highest level in history this year. Since the beginning of this year, due to the increase of logistics volume, the sea freight rates have reached the highest level in history. In order to ensure the transportation capacity, shipping companies are actively ordering new ships.
According to Clarkson research on the 5th, the global container ship orders from January to August this year were 15.071478 million CGT. This is the largest scale since Clarkson study began to carry out relevant statistics in 1996. This is 12 times that of the same period last year (116.3164 CGT), surpassing 2007 (1321.7003 CGT) in the boom period of shipbuilding industry.
The shipbuilding industry predicts that with the increase of container ship orders by ship owners, this year will reach the largest order volume in history. With the economic recovery, the increase of logistics volume and the increase of chaos in major ports of various countries, it is difficult to find a ship at present.

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