
DSIC delivered a dual-fuel VLCC C-type LNG cryogenic storage tank

On May 28, the world's first dual-fuel VLCC 2x3500m³ C-type LNG cryogenic storage tank built by Dalian Shipbuilding Industry for COSCO SHIPPING Group was successfully delivered.
The tank is the key supporting product of the world's first LNG-powered VLCC developed by DSIC to meet EEDI phase III, and is independently developed and designed by DSIC.
The main material of the storage tank is made of 9Ni steel, which can meet the gas supply demand of VLCC for one voyage to and from the Middle East when fully loaded with LNG fuel.
The successful delivery of the storage tank marks a major breakthrough in key technologies for the large-scale dual-fuel ship type LNG cryogenic storage tank field.
Since 2018, DSIC has completed the research and development and optimization of the tank type, and submitted it to two classification societies of DNV and CCS for AIP and GASA approval. It is expected to obtain the AIP certification in the first half of this year, and the independent intellectual property rights of the B-type tank have been obtained.

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