“With more than 16 years in the industry, Ecochlor has a long history of providing timely and expert support to our customers in keeping their ballast water management systems in compliance. We are not in this business for the short-term, our focus is to continue to offer shipowners the reliable performance of our system necessary for global shipping both now and in the future“, said Mr. Steve Candito, the CEO of Ecochlor.
On 5th Dec during Marintec 2019 in Shanghai, Xinde Marine News had an interview with Mr. Steve Candito, the CEO of Ecochlor. He said that the BWMS of Ecochlor is to meet the regulation of both IMO and USCG to prevent living organism and they have a very excellent technology because they use a two step treatment process to treat ballast water-filtration followed by chlorine dioxide.
“our products can be used on any type of vessel, and it’s one of our advantages that it could be on larger vessels or smaller vessels and vessels on hot water or cold water but most of our existing clients are the largest vessels like VLCC, large bulk carriers and Suezmax tankers”, and when asked if there were any special cases, Steve introduced that many of their customers had tried other systems but were not satisfied with them for example, when a vessel operated in a river with dirty waters, a ultraviolet system didn’t work well because the light couldn’t penetrate the dirty waters so they came to Ecochlor because CIO2 are not effected by that.
As we all know, BWMS installation is most popular for ships from 2019 to 2040 and 2020 is just around the corner, today, as of December 2019, Ecochlor has more than 300 ships in its order book. Today they produce 200 systems per year and because of this increased needs over the 5 year period, they have planned to expand their factories, and one of these is in Shanghai, to be able to produce about 400 systems per year.
Ecochlor is a top choice for mid- to the largest size tankers, with the lowest power requirements in the industry and a BWMS that does not increase in proportion to the ballast water flow rates. The system is approved for installation in both US flag and foreign flag vessels in hazardous zones rated Zone 1 or Zone 0.
Ecochlor holds a unique place in the industry as one of the few treatment systems that do not require neutralization or retreatment at discharge. As such, the Ecochlor system offers a significant advantage to bulk carriers with gravity discharge top side ballast tanks.
Every vessel type has its own individual requirements and challenges in conjunction with a BWMS retrofit. The Ecochlor system offers a high degree of flexibility for installation in terms of location. It has a relatively small footprint and low power consumption, which is particularly important for OSV or smaller cargo ships.
Xinde Marine News Anita Liu
The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Xinde Marine News.
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